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DustinDrake1987 June 9th, 2017 09:34

Green Side Kit
Hey guys,

Wondering what would be the best camo for a green side kit. I'm stuck between a few different options like usual.

-Multicam Tropic
-OD Green
-Ranger Green

Mostly play in wooded areas and occasionally PRZ. I was leaning towards OD but I'm just not sure what would be the most effective.

Any help would be great

Desmodus June 9th, 2017 09:39

Multicam tropic and Woodland would be my choices.

tdotsofter June 9th, 2017 12:14

Ranger green/od green.

Izzzzayy June 9th, 2017 14:15


Originally Posted by Desmodus (Post 2006483)
Multicam tropic and Woodland would be my choices.

I second this ^

TheHappy1 June 9th, 2017 17:53

You can look at Russian colours too, nice choice!

Kingsix June 10th, 2017 01:43

Second the Digital flora stuff, pretty easy to get these days compared to before.

Wilkie June 10th, 2017 08:30

I've been debating between RG and Tropic for a while. Both are great looking patterns. M81 is very cool too if you can find it in a modern cut.

daishi June 10th, 2017 09:06

Dont go multicam....or rather multiglam.

You'll end up paying an enormous premium to end up looking like....certain airsofters. lol.

Aka a multi-cam water proof backpack cover.....$120 bucks.... an od one (same company, same materials ect)...$30

OD or RG would be my selection. Some people just look like children when in camo, make sure you can try stuff on before you buy it and look at yourself in a mirror.

Wilkie June 10th, 2017 10:10

You're shopping with the wrong companies if there's that much of a fluctuation in price between a mc coloured item and x other pattern. At this point there shouldn't be any price difference.

Danke June 10th, 2017 11:34

1) CADPAT is green.
2) Check out what the other players in the local area are wearing; the ones who always shoot you before you see them.
3) Plan the whole setup. Don't try and wear a black vest with an effective pattern. Pick a pattern you can find in your size and with matching pouches etc.
4)Multicam is a very effective camo that went from a movie prop, to an airsoft favorite that faced a tonne of derision to now the go to camo for special forces and armies on both sides of the fence.
5) There's no law against mixing patterns but don't get to weird or you'll be just yelling hey look I"m over here.

DustinDrake1987 June 10th, 2017 13:16

I already have regular multicam for my tan kit. I wear a coyote brown vest so I'm just trying to see what would be the most effective. Usually I see OD/RG/Woodland on the opposing team. I think I may just go with Woodland though but who knows really

AnthonyG June 10th, 2017 14:16


Originally Posted by Izzzzayy (Post 2006497)
I second this ^

Third 'd this is what I use.

DustinDrake1987 June 10th, 2017 16:05

F it, Woodland it is!

Ricochet June 10th, 2017 23:39

There's many good green patterns out there, but do your research and get one that tests effectively across multiple and similar environment types. Don't buy camo or gear strictly for looks. Multicam is one of the best tested camouflage patterns and colorations of all time, so I don't get the haters. You certainly don't have to pick that one, but it is a solid choice, though go tropic if you do as the stock pattern is tan based. M81 woodland is not too bad, but it isn't very versatile and it's getting harder and harder to find good gear for it. Check out UR-Tactical, they have several patterns available and very good quality BDUs with all the modern dynamics for half the price of the top brands. Avoid the overpriced or cheaply made airsoft or repro branded crap. Remember, airsoft is 1/3 technology, get the right tool for the right job. AOR2 is a solid green camo that's fairly versatile for example. Solid colours may look good, but they don't stack up in testing versus modern disruptive camouflages.

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