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DeepThroat November 7th, 2018 23:27

RMR dot sight foaming
Hey all,

I've gotten an RMR dot sight for my TM HK45 and I'm wondering if it can work with it. I've read that RMR sights tend to lose their zeroing and break, but I've also heard of foaming the inside of the RMR with foam pads (or anything to secure the electrical component) which would increase its durability. Is it true and easy to do?


06jorkee November 8th, 2018 12:07

The first gen realsteel RMR's had flickering issues. During the recoil cycle, the battery would momentarily lose connection and cause the dot to flicker. Trijicon themselves make a seal kit that works really well; you might be able to find one of those relatively inexpensively. I'm sure there are other people making them too. It's just a small piece of rubber cut to fit.

DeepThroat November 8th, 2018 21:16

So, if we were to pad down the battery in an attempted to prevent it from moving, would that have the same effect?

06jorkee November 9th, 2018 11:34

I would imagine so

BioRage November 9th, 2018 11:41

Are you using a REAL one or a piece of shit clone (all clones are POS btw)

DeepThroat November 9th, 2018 20:13

Probably one of those copies, around 60$ from eBay coming from China. Is there a good intermediate between 60$ and 400$ ones?

TheYncarne November 15th, 2018 13:30

I'm using a clone RMR Trijicon on my TM HK45, I have never had an issue with flickering and the RMR has kept it's zero since I set it. I bought my mount plate from . So I honestly don't think you need to worry to much about it but a small section of rubber to keep the battery in place wouldn't hurt.

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