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blazzer73553 September 21st, 2020 22:45

we m14 npas help please
Hey all, ive got a we m14, i decided to install an ra-tech npas bolt,

i bought it from evike.

it showed up, looked good, installed it. i went to fire it and gas spewes out the barrel. so i disassemble and find 2 orings inside all brittle and chewed up.

these orings i cannot find. i tried differnt ones but no luck.
can anyone give me a hand?

what oring sizes do i need to install here, i cant find any info.

i confirmed this was the problem too, as replacing the nozzle with the oem and high fps we one fixed the issue. but the ra tech on causes a gas dump

Drakker September 21st, 2020 22:57

A much simpler fix than an npas would be putting an AEG shim in the front of your nozzle before the rocket valve. It took my WE AK PMC from 420 FPS to around 350fps with 0.20g, which is perfect for me. A shim with a bigger hole will output more FPS. The advantage of the shim method is that it will always stay the same. FPS on npas tends to vary overtime because the screw will always slacken with use.

blazzer73553 September 22nd, 2020 00:06

never the less, i appreciate th info, but i cant take advantage of that until this oring issue is is solved. but that being said, ive never heard of this shim, do you have a pic by chance or a link for more info so i can read up?

Drakker September 22nd, 2020 10:30

They are shims you use for gears in AEGs. But some companies produce them commercially as power reducing discs for GBBRs.

Here are the ones from FG-Airsoft, but they are not the only company making them :

As for the o-rings, you can get them from, but its going to be expensive for only o-rings... unless you have other things you need to order.

blazzer73553 September 22nd, 2020 12:07

thnx, i appreciate it, i know ky, but i couldnt see anything specifically fore the npas.

ill look in to that a bit more. thnx for the help

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