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shadow_matter April 8th, 2022 16:24

Ontario Fields & Games?
I'm getting back into it after a multi-year hiatus (Covid, kids, etc.)
Both of my regular haunts have been shut down with Finch's field and Flag Raiders. I'm not seeing too much activity in the Ontario game section so far this year. Is there another place where games are being posted? Finding it tough to get back into the swing of things, call me an old-timer.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

DAVESAGE April 8th, 2022 18:31

Ontario airsoft community on Facebook often has people post up events

BrendanL April 12th, 2022 12:31

Between Facebook, reddit and other platforms, it seems this forum is pretty dead lately? Not a lot of posting going on. I remember years ago it was packed with new posts, games, and sales threads.

royal marine April 14th, 2022 18:46

Ah the good ol days

lt_poncho April 30th, 2022 20:42

Getting back into it as well - understandable that the advent of other platforms would make it easier to get the word out. Hey at least they weren't calling up players on their home/mobiles asking if they we're interested in attending a game...

Ronald Chang May 1st, 2022 10:26

There are quite a few fields have regular games every weekend.

Combat Pursuit in Pickering, closet field to Toronto. Set up is rather basic. Games rule is a bit outdated. They will ignore the airsoft players if there is big party of paintball players.

Barrie Airsoft - Go to their Facebook Page and check, if the games are host by Canop, then they are good. If Canop is absent, wait for the next ones, otherwise, host from the owner are pretty random.

Ultimate Outdoor Paintball in Milton, games hosted by the old Flagraider group on a biweekly basis, Saturday only. Field is good especially the "New Town". I like their game style, quick pace, good host and players.

Wasaga Adventure Park, best set up with walk in games every weekend. Long drive from Toronto. Watch for their big games for Airsoft only, I joined one and it was nicely organized and had a lot of fun. They even broadcast special sound effect e.g. explosion sound effect during the game!

lt_poncho May 2nd, 2022 23:17

Thanks for the intel, Ronald - much appreciated. Nice to see you still around and posting here mate!

Would you have any info on Clarington Woods Airsoft?

HaloSix4 May 3rd, 2022 08:47


Originally Posted by lt_poncho (Post 1853455988)
Thanks for the intel, Ronald - much appreciated. Nice to see you still around and posting here mate!

Would you have any info on Clarington Woods Airsoft?

Clarington Woods in my experience's has been a pretty solid field over the last couple years. Looks to be quite a few changes happening for this year, new game hosts taking over, lots of field updates and upgrades.

I believe they are looking to open end of May early June to start the season, partially due to the road to get to it being flooded out pretty well every spring.

Ronald Chang May 3rd, 2022 13:32


Originally Posted by lt_poncho (Post 1853455988)
Thanks for the intel, Ronald - much appreciated. Nice to see you still around and posting here mate!

Would you have any info on Clarington Woods Airsoft?

It is also nice to see you still around. My kids are grown up now, so I have more time to play. Hope to see you again soon!

For Carlingtonwood, please refer to Halosix's comment, which I am pleased to know they have improved so much. I played there twice a few years ago and the experience was below average, field was primitive and too big, teams were never balanced. So I have not been there for a while.

todd33 July 30th, 2022 11:54


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[killswitch] August 5th, 2022 12:29

I had someone tell me at work he’s been playing in London again. Not sure if its a field, I haven’t played in years but after another friend showed me his gen 4 umarex GBB co2 , I spent 1200 on co2 replica’s in 12 hours lol. Needless to say that snowballed out of control and I’m just amazed at how the gearboxes and everything have evolved. Its great to see the OG’s still hanging.

DAVESAGE August 6th, 2022 01:11

Adrenaline paintball is the only business field open in the area right now, flagswipe closed back in 2020 or 2021 so now there's just private fields and Adrenaline

[killswitch] August 12th, 2022 00:51

That’s too bad, theres so many fields and places close to use but yet so far away. I have a feeling things will change soon. Where’s Tru lai when you need him!! Long live the TruMart

PettyFanboy August 16th, 2022 11:19

Anyone know when the next PRZ airsoft event will happen in Ontario ?

[killswitch] August 17th, 2022 11:36


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