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Greykin April 30th, 2006 22:24

Weirdest places you've found BBs.
I bet most people here have had BBs showing up in weird places in their house. Sometimes places you'd never expect.

I was at school one time and I opened up my binder for class and about 5BBs fell out, I have no idea how they got there =/. Other than that, they've somehow found their way into my school bags and stuff somehow.

Anywho, what about you?

Dr_Tinshnipz April 30th, 2006 22:25

School , and church haha

^Hyperion^ April 30th, 2006 22:26

hmmm good question.

I found BBs in different kind of boxes , binders but mostly hats and baseball caps....and that , even if I never fired BBs inside my house....strange

Zero April 30th, 2006 22:32

My wife found one in our microwave once - that didnt go over so well.

quikstrike April 30th, 2006 22:35

getting changed one night and a bunch of bb's fell out of my pants.


TFZ-OZ April 30th, 2006 23:02

My boss's office - must have been stuck in my tred... but during a meeting I saw it on the

[Avtomat] April 30th, 2006 23:11

the worst i got was in my socks.

Greykin April 30th, 2006 23:19


Originally Posted by [Avtomat]
the worst i got was in my socks.

Man, that has happened to me so many times. I've found myself taking off my shoes during school time and taking off my socks to get out annoying BBs.

Deftonius April 30th, 2006 23:30

I went to change the lense in my JT goggles from clear to tinted for work, when I worked at a pball field, and a BB fell out as soon as I took the lense out.

I know just how the BB got in there, too. Halo at a foxden game. His mad M16 and his careful aim. haha.

Kedirkin April 30th, 2006 23:37

We found BB's in the flower planter at Buffet City during an airsoft dinner, as well as 6mm pock marks in the wooden planters that surrounded the tables - it was clear that the restaurant employees had been shooting in the place after hours.

. . . and that was a fun time actually. Hmmm, maybe we should organize another one. . .


Dro April 30th, 2006 23:55

I found some in the sole of my shoe. I always wondered why my shoes rattled everytime i walked. When I first saw it I thought they were fish eggs or maggots ... lol

firemachine69 May 1st, 2006 00:07

In my old apartment, girlfriend picked up her bra and a bunch rolled out from the cup... Told her she had bb's for boobs, only remember pretty painful smack afterwards...

swatt13 May 1st, 2006 00:16

in my daughters diaper. bright green .12g apperantly i left some on the floor and natured worked its magic.

Mantelope May 1st, 2006 00:18


Originally Posted by swatt13
in my daughters diaper. bright green .12g apperantly i left some on the floor and natured worked its magic.

Aha! More corroborating evidence that the digestive system passes BBs straight through.

dman May 1st, 2006 00:20

Weirdest would be in the middle of one of my textbooks. Opened up my book, it fell out, and watched it bounce all the way down the stairs in the lecture theatre. Most often would be in my cars. And this is after vacuuming them out after each game. Otherwise, the most unsettling is finding a bunch at work (Sears) and knowing it wasn't from me (they were orange).

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