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shadow_matter April 26th, 2007 22:18

aimpoint vs. reflex
I am currently divided as to which set of optics to persue for my outdoor excursions. I like the idea of a large viewing area with the reflex styles, but does the tint of the lens affect target acquisition? If anyone owns either an aimpoint or a reflex, or both for that matter; please tell me what you think.

P.S. Yes, I know there are better styles of optics but unfortunately they don't sell for under $80. =P

CuppoJava April 27th, 2007 02:05

Your terminology is a bit off.
Reflex sight is a synonym for red-dot sight.
An Aimpoint is a specific brand of red-dot sight.

I'm assuming that you're choosing between a closed tubed style sight vs a open style sight.
To answer your question: The tint does not affect your acquisition time at all.

I own a tube-style red-dot sight. I chose it purely because of durability and price issues. I considered the perceived wider viewing area of the open-sight at first, but later realized that your eye has to be directly orthogonal to the screen in order to see the dot anyway. So in that respect, both styles are more or less the same.

TCLP April 27th, 2007 02:31

Aimpoint closed tube style.
I used to have a open style reflex sight and I got nothing but problems from it. I couldn't find the dot even on the highest setting(with a fresh battery). The way it sat was also really funny(may have been bad luck)

The tube style I never have had a problem and it has been wonderful.

Kimbo April 27th, 2007 02:37

I've had pretty much every type of red dot sight with the eotech being the one I like the best. Unfortunately, this is going to be a bit out of your price range so it's probably not an option. It is however more like a reflex sight than what I belive you mean by an aimpoint (tube type closed sight) Both pretty much do the same thing, but IMO the reflex sights tend to be the less obtrusive in your sight picture. I find the tube type, although more resiliant than the cheap reflex sights, harder to see your target in dark conditions and slower to line up your target.

Which one is going to be better for you is a matter of trial and error. You won't know till you try both. You can get both cheap reflex and aimpoint type sights on ebay for less than $40 inc shipping. My recommendation is to get both and sell the one you don't like for the same you bought it for.

Good luck.

jerryliang2k April 27th, 2007 02:52

a slight hijacking:
@ pivot - do you have the real eotech or the replica? The real ones are utterly amazing but If you have the replica, I'd like to hear your opinions on it. Any problems with the viewing angle? How's the clarity of the cross hair?


Jayhad April 27th, 2007 10:44

you can pick a Tasco RDS from walmart for $42.97, great little sight and perfect if you are on a budget

fergumanii April 27th, 2007 11:21

I use the tasco sight that jayhad is referring too. It's a tube style sight and I find that it has worked well for me in all situations, light or dark. The sight is well build and sturdy. I was using a cheap crossman RDS but it was hard to find the red dot in bright surroundings, also it took a bb and the optic glass/plastic shattered. I have not had these problems with the Tasco RDS.

DuffMan April 27th, 2007 11:57

In Open style reflex sights it's harder to identify whether your point of impact is affected by parallax. Also, it's easier to install a lense protector on tube styles like aimpoints should you choose to.

shadow_matter April 27th, 2007 13:17

That's great, thanks guys. I appologize for the flawed terminology, but as you can see, I'm still pretty new to the optics.

Amazing KG3 April 27th, 2007 13:27

The aim points are a nice affordable, good looking, good functioning Reflex sight. With ones with trademarks, and a series of mounts, they can get quite unique. My only issues is the red lenses can be a give away. itd worth it to invest in a KillFlash, ive also had this issue with ACOGs. My favorite so far is the Hurricane EOtech 552 HWS replica. It is unbelieveable!

srry for the bad quality.

CuppoJava April 27th, 2007 13:34

Nice Eotech, kg3.
I've noticed that in lower quality rds (like my KA one), that the dot is out of focus if you focus on a close object (ie. within 10 meters). Do you experience that with your hurricane?

Amazing KG3 April 27th, 2007 13:37

no, it is extremely crisp and clear. Since the lense tube is clear though, and not tinted like Aimpoints, it can be hard to see in Extreme Brightness (Sunny, and Snow, or Sand) but is rarely a problem. It auto adjusts, runs of 2 AAs, moisture resistance, and tempered lens. Also has Green and Red Reticles.

One thing i dont like about Aimpoints is the reticle bleed, sometimes gets in the way of aiming.

Jar|-|ead April 27th, 2007 22:29

Yeah im mean look at the FOV on eotechs:

shadow_matter April 28th, 2007 03:39

*Sigh* I simply cannot afford an EOTech... well that's a lie. I can afford it, but not tuition as well. They do look freaking beautiful though.

Vigil April 28th, 2007 06:20

If you decide to get a relflex site, make sure you get a high quality one with very little reflection off the lense.

I have a cheap $29 one and when I'm prone and hidden, I'm getting hit all the time not because people see me, but they seem a big red reflection off my sight. It's upsetting that they don't know what they're shooting at other than a bright red object, and I end up getting shot...usually in the face mind you.

Cheap tubular red dots have very little of this problem, but it still exists. It's much easier to fix though. Just put a wire mesh screen on the front of your tube and you're set hide and pick off people.

I'm trying to get some mesh to cover my reflex site and see if that helps. I have doubts.

Seeing as EOtech came into this, I was wondering, are the crosshairs on EOtech scopes supposed to be slightly fuzzy? I have a friend that bought an original eotech and the crosshairs are not clear and crisp. I understand that eotech uses a hologram type film for the reflection of the laser crosshair. Is that what causes the fuzziness of the crosshairs?

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