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DrakeHighlander March 26th, 2008 18:09

KSC G18C Refuses to fire! Help please.

I just recently received a KSC G18C and after filling the magazine up with gas and spending one magazine, I went to fire with the now reloaded magazine (I'm waiting on more mags), and just the 'click' noise of the trigger without any firing. Disassembling it, I found no jams or anything. I've made sure that the magazine was full of gas, so that's not the problem. Anyone have an idea? Thanks in advance.

ironskull79 March 26th, 2008 18:22

Is the safety on? That's my guess...

Styrak March 26th, 2008 18:35

There's no safety on a Glock.

You ARE cocking it again right?

DrakeHighlander March 26th, 2008 18:37

There's no safety, just the middle 'disassembly' position of the fire selector.

When the slide is pulled back, the selector switches back to this position. Therefore, I've concluded that something is wrong with the fire selector assembly. Anyone have some insight?

Renegade) March 26th, 2008 18:44

Potential broken firing pin(valve knocker)

Daiviet March 26th, 2008 18:45

is it a brand new glock or has it been fairly used in the past?
you're hearing the click noise, so it can't be resetting itself fully to the safe position. Try pushing the slide forward just a bit more, sometimes its a bit finicky that way.

CDN_Stalker March 26th, 2008 18:51

When moving the selector switch, you DO pull the slide back a bit to make the selector travel all the way and lock in place, right? It doesn't do that with the slide full forward.

DrakeHighlander March 26th, 2008 19:00

It's brand new. I'm getting the feeling that something inside is broken.

Again, pulling the trigger makes a click noise, and the fire select switch returns to the middle position. If you just cock without pulling the trigger, the selector switch moves around (which I'm assuming you shouldn't be able to do).

Qlong March 26th, 2008 19:03

I have the same problem when I select auto, release the slide, it gets knocked back to the middle position.

Daiviet March 26th, 2008 19:08

yea, you may have to disassemble it fully and check around for anything that looks broken. doesn't sound like a good thing especially if its new.

seventhsealairsoft March 27th, 2008 00:00

are you shooting it in the cold?

DrakeHighlander March 27th, 2008 00:49

I've disassembled it and I couldn't find the problem. I guess I'll have to wait out and see if anyone else can figure out what the problem is.

Also, no, I was shooting it inside at room temperature.

Steve_U1S March 27th, 2008 01:39

There's a set-screw hidden under the rear sight - it's a retainer for the pin that shows at the back side of the slide, to the left of the rear surface.
That's part of the doohickeys that keep tension on the select-fire lever. You might find that this is loose, and needs to be snugged up.
G18Cs come with the right hex key in the box, but if not, I /think/ I remember that as being a 0.9mm key.

Hope that leads you in the right direction...

Barf March 27th, 2008 03:54

Maybe you hurt it's feelings

BrickHouse March 27th, 2008 07:36

In the future,
never disassemble or "MOD" any new AEG or Pistol if problems arise out of the box, it will void any warranties and return possibilities you may have with your provider.

Furthermore if bought through personal sale always discuss what will be done if problems arise.

Personally I would have just sent it back, or called the person who sold the item A.S.A.P. to make arrangements.

Fixing something you have bought new should fall on the seller!

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