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DanKicker May 9th, 2008 11:24

WE 1911 combat
Hi ppl

I'm wondering if I was making a good choice buying the WE 1911 combat version

I have no idea about the FPS or if it is propane ready.

I just fell in love with it.

Oh btw, it'll cost 210$ with 2 mags

blaklite May 9th, 2008 11:32

google!.... from what i heard its about 280 fps and runs on green gas.

anyone please feel free to correct me.

Roughneck May 9th, 2008 11:39

I have the WE classic and its a work horse. Shoots 300+ on propane indoors. Mags hold about 15 rounds each and can get about 30 shots off one fill of propane. I use it as a sidearm with 3 mags. For the price, cant go wrong

scooby May 9th, 2008 11:39

You can blast propane no problem. I think you can use TM 1911 mags in it as well, can anyone confirm.

Kwokwai May 9th, 2008 11:45

TM mags won't work without modification according to information that I read on Arnie's. There's a slight difference in the dimensions I believe.

Roughneck May 9th, 2008 11:47

No other mags will work, only WE. I got a third one for $30 shipped

Drake May 9th, 2008 11:47

I got one too this week (from MOPIC), after having done a lot of research on it beforehand. And I have to say, so far I'm impressed.

Most of the reviews out there were at least a year old, and based on a couple of newer reviews (and my own observations actually handling it, now that I have it), WE came up with a new "version 2" of it, which is what we have now.

Issues such as the wobbly slide and poor gas performance seem to have been addressed. I still may swap out the piston head, and seal up the hopup, as well as other planned upgrades -- but none of the bad points that were brought up in the earlier reviews seem to have come up.

The only problem I had was the 2nd mag had a broken feed lip, but it may have happened during shipping. Either way, MOPIC is being an A-1 seller and handling a replacement.

The recoil spring is a bit soft -- softer than the Guarder 150% in my WA -- but still stiffer than the stock spring in other Japanese GBBs, or even the KA 150% spring in my TM M9. The Saint suggested swapping out the valves for stock TM ones (based on some data posted on another website the FPS jumps up significantly, suggesting the TM valves have a higher flow), so I may try that and see how it affects performance (not only velocity but also gas consumption).

All in all, great little pistol so far.

Roughneck May 9th, 2008 11:55

Agreed Drake, I got mine from Marksmen (another A+ seller) and the only issue I've had is the slide wobble. Theres been talks of the slide not locking back when the mag is empty either, I've had this issue on and off but never on a warm dry day. If anyone knows a fix for that, let me know! Bottom line, it's never failed me and it makes a great, cost effective backup.

max.power May 9th, 2008 11:55

Got mine from MOPIC yesterday.

I also did a lot of reading up first. A lot of the review's had mostly praise for it, so I went for it. Glad I did.

If you read Mopic's description, it says "Propane Ready", and it works well on propane. I don't quite get 30 rounds out of my mags, but I do at least get a full mag.

I am still having the issue of the slide not locking back after an empty mag, but I'm working on that.

Anyways, I'm very happy thus far (less than 24

Styrak May 9th, 2008 12:12

WE's won't work with anything less than propane!

The slides are fricking heavy!

The Saint May 9th, 2008 12:19

A lot of aftermarket slides won't work with propane due to increased slide weight, it's nothing unusual. Until someone actually does a proper weight test between WE slides and several brands of aftermarket slides of the same gun model, the claim that WE slides are unusually heavy is just unsubstantiated hearsay.

DanKicker May 9th, 2008 12:32

Ok so, great Gbb worth the price, but needs a bit of upgrades.

That's right?

The Saint May 9th, 2008 12:38

Yep. Upgrade order priority should be: TM valves, tightbore, loading nozzle. You can throw an enhanced recoil spring in anywhere you want in that list.

Drake May 9th, 2008 12:41

About the slides not locking back, haven't encountered that yet (only put 2 mags through it so far though, no time to test it much yet) but I did note upon initial inspection that WE doesn't seem to believe in lube; the whole gun ships bone dry.

I went ahead and lubed up the valves on the good mag (silicone shock oil) and applied a thin coat of white lithium grease on contact areas between the slide and frame (something I do to all my GBBs, it makes a noticeable difference). That might help a bit.

Otherwise I'd guess it's related to pressure/mag cool down.

I'll be looking at it in more detail over the weekend.

Roughneck May 9th, 2008 12:44

I greased the slide contact areas upon arrival, have put 10 or 12 mags though it since.. how often do you regrease it?

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