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gpassfield11 October 15th, 2008 18:17

hey guys...I noticed I am the ONLY one in the IRC chat I'm just trying to give it some hype.

for those who don't know anything about's basically the original MS Messenger.

google mIRC and download the 1.5 mb file and install it....then:

type in your desired username and then join the server

finally type "/j #airsoft" to join our channel

if you need help or have questions...PM and i'll help yah get on!

my nickname on there is All-Star

Cortex October 15th, 2008 18:18

If you're using Firefox and don't want to download a separate program I recommend ChatZilla.

arman October 16th, 2008 00:04

wonderd what that was up there....

Cheesevillage October 16th, 2008 00:14

r it broken?

ToTaL_oWnAgE October 16th, 2008 00:28

Xchat is a free program that runs IRC

Lisa October 16th, 2008 00:59


Originally Posted by ToTaL_oWnAgE (Post 840935)
Xchat is a free program that runs IRC

Make sure you get the silver-x version

L473ncy October 16th, 2008 09:36

I thought that mIRC was a 30 day trial.

Anyways. I use Teamspeak/Vent because I don't like typing too much.

We should totally setup a TS/Vent server.

Lorden October 16th, 2008 11:03

I had one up, but my server closed and I'm too busy with work to properly manage it unfortunately.

smith October 16th, 2008 11:04

wow people still use IRC?!?!

Luckless October 16th, 2008 11:40


Originally Posted by smith (Post 841174)
wow people still use IRC?!?!

it is a simple protocol, and there are lots of tools for it.

That said, apparently people don't use IRC, at least not from ASC.

Apoc_ October 16th, 2008 12:37

People don't use it from work, anyway. At least, I don't. Until I'm back on evening shift that is... <:

I sat in that channel for about a month in April, jonesing for some outdoor games or talk of same. No one came in. *shrug*

pusangani October 16th, 2008 12:41

the latenite folks usually just use msn

smith October 16th, 2008 16:27


Originally Posted by Luckless (Post 841192)
it is a simple protocol, and there are lots of tools for it.

That said, apparently people don't use IRC, at least not from ASC.

Oh ya, i know .. i just stopped using it around 94 or 95 when everyone i know moved on to AIM/MSN/ICQ/etc as they came out. Of course, most of us jumped ship when this silly "mIRC" app came out and we were invaded by windows kiddies slapping things with trouts :P

Didn't figure it was still that popular what with the availability of alternative chat methods.

Luckless October 16th, 2008 16:36

The advantage of IRC over nearly any other chat method is it is still one of the best One to Many chat options out there. And just about the only option that I know of that allows fairly random people to join a channel and have it moderated. I'm not the biggest fan of putting random people on my MSN or something to chat with about random things, but IRC fits perfectly for that problem.

The reason why no one uses it is because no one is using it. If a large enough group of people made an effort to log on and chat when people are there, then you would see the channel liven up.

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