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Spa January 28th, 2009 18:37

G36C always 99% of the time in full auto
I cant seem to figure this one out myself.

So, its wants to fire in full-auto in semi. Yet, sometimes if i get it just right or some divine intervention it will shoot semi, in semi mode. Safety works btw.

Yes, everything is lined up properly. It make be a problem or wear and tear, but I cant seem to find any wear and tear. Cut off leave? selector plate? its gotta be one of those, but again i cant notice any problems. I also do not have a spare cut off leaver to experiment with either or a selector any ideas?

Its not electrical, its positively mechanical. Any ideas?



gvanzeggelaar January 28th, 2009 18:49


Crunchmeister January 28th, 2009 19:29


Originally Posted by gvanzeggelaar (Post 907004)
Most likely your cut off lever

Agreed. That would be the first place I'd look.

m102404 January 28th, 2009 21:04

Does it do it when it's out of the lower receiver? If you're manually holding the selector plate so that it's not bumping the cut-off lever at all?


scooby January 28th, 2009 21:45

check slector switch spring placement, wear on cutoff lever or sector gear.

Spa January 28th, 2009 22:33

ok, ill check it and get back to you chaps.

ROAR January 28th, 2009 23:18

My M4 was doing that and i changed the selector plate. :cool:

Gorilla War February 6th, 2009 23:08

My G&G M4 was doing something similar from almost new, it would fire short auto bursts in semi and a quick pull of the trigger in auto and it would continue to fire auto for 1-2 seconds AFTER the trigger was let go. I figured it was something sticky inside (cut off lever?). A short spritz of silicon spray up into the gearbox, from around the trigger, and everything worked fine afterward... go figure.


ybrik February 7th, 2009 07:14

sometimes when the cut-off lever gets soaked on grease, it doesn't want to move freely anymore making the rifle in full-auto only.

Corpo February 8th, 2009 05:45

make sure all your springs are in place. espescally your selctor plate switch spring.

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