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Deaf_shooter February 5th, 2009 02:49

Suggestion for FPS
I get mixed answer. I meet some people said 450 FPS is must for outside. then I meet other people who said 350 to 400 is fine enough for outside. so, which people is correct?

my Mp7 is 300 FPS or what my package said so... Though i plan to find new Gun like G36C or G36K

last thing: I finally get age verified :) it prove that I am not underage.

Shirley February 5th, 2009 02:57

It depends on your host and field.
Safe side, we run 400 FPS outdoors here for AEGs.

Deaf_shooter February 5th, 2009 03:00

thank, 400 FPS it is.

ThunderCactus February 5th, 2009 03:02

400 is the LIMIT for AEG's outdoors in manitoba, it's not a goal.
And FPS really only changes how fast your bb gets to your target, I've seen 350fps guns outrange 400fps guns. My UMP only shot 280 and it had incredible range outdoors.
300-350fps is a good place to be if your just starting outdoors. And 380 is really as high as you need to go!

And remember, the higher your gun shoots, the higher it's chances of breaking ;)

Tex February 5th, 2009 03:04

find out your local finds limits and upgrade or downgrade with in them. and remember FPS max's are just that they are max's not goals.

Amos February 5th, 2009 03:04

Manitoba Airsoft limit is 400 FPS outdoors.

.. and remember it's a LIMIT not a goal. For new players it's alot better to start off with a low FPS so you get use to moving and working for your kills, instead of relying on your gun.

Having an upgraded gun wont make you a good player.

KNIVEZS February 5th, 2009 03:04


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 889494)
Just my opinion, but the the EG700 beats the EG1000 any day for any 'build'.

And for shits and giggles, just because I can justify so, I've found much better performance in my CA M24 shooting 0.30g BBs (chronying at 340fps using 0.20g BBs) than I have using 0.30g BBs (chronying at 490fps w/0.20g BBs) at 300ft. The lower fps gets me out there easily, even if they are floating out, but at higher velocities they veer off after around 150-200ft regardless of wind conditions. I know, it's not an AEG, it's better! But my point being, it's literaly useless to run any airsoft gun over 370fps if trying to get maximum range. Best upgrade for increased range is first and foremost, heavier BBs. After that reasonable upgrades will help to a point, past that the higher the fps, the lower the performance goes, and the rate of wear increases. Last year, my one MP5 shooting 360fps could easily out range (200ft) my other MP5 shooting around 400fps (would get about 170ft if lucky) using 0.28g BBs. BBs at higher velocities hit the hop up rubber harder and end up spinning faster, making them much more unstable. I'm actually considering running my CA M24 sniper rifle at sub 400fps velocities for a few games to study the performance. Hell, I used a Laylax 170 spring in it for one game this year, chronied at 585fps, and I used 0.36g BBs, I couldn't hit the square root of fuck all even at 200ft away!!!!! Couldn't even track the BB path, made things harder.

here a good read from cdn_stalker

Deaf_shooter February 5th, 2009 03:06

one thing I though it is 450 FPS with .2 gram limit in Manitoba?
not that I plan to max my gun, I would like to bring them into CQB sometime.

KNIVEZS February 5th, 2009 03:13


Originally Posted by Deaf_shooter (Post 912438)
one thing I though it is 450 FPS with .2 gram limit in Manitoba?
not that I plan to max my gun, I would like to bring them into CQB sometime.

you can change the spring to make it legal for indoors.
or buy another gun specifically for indoors

edit: or get a velocity reducer

pusangani February 5th, 2009 03:20


Originally Posted by Deaf_shooter (Post 912438)
one thing I though it is 450 FPS with .2 gram limit in Manitoba?
not that I plan to max my gun, I would like to bring them into CQB sometime.

450fps w/.20's for BOLT ACTION sniper rifles

Shirley February 5th, 2009 03:22

If you'd like to bring it in a CQB game, then why not leave the G36 stock? Or maybe an upgraded spring? V3 gearboxes are stronger than V2.

Deaf_shooter February 5th, 2009 03:35

yeah, but most classified I seen is least 370+ when CQB is 350 limit though I do know how to downgrade to 350. price is steep for me.

ShelledPants February 5th, 2009 04:00


Originally Posted by Deaf_shooter (Post 912447)
yeah, but most classified I seen is least 370+ when CQB is 350 limit though I do know how to downgrade to 350. price is steep for me.

$20 spring and 45 minutes you can make a gun CQB safe.

LUTNIT February 5th, 2009 06:34


Originally Posted by KNIVEZS (Post 912442)
edit: or get a velocity reducer

Velocity reducers are banned at most fields I know because they are unreliable and can actually blow out without the shooter realizing, thus returning the gun to its previous fps.


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 912452)
$20 spring and 45 minutes you can make a gun CQB safe.

45 minutes...maybe for some easily disassembled AEG's like AUG's and P90's but armalites and G36's I am usually looking at 60-90 minutes for a quick take down and reassemble, doing everything properly and double checking things. Hell, I consider 45 minutes just to take my M14 apart a good time.

ShelledPants February 5th, 2009 06:37


Originally Posted by LUTNIT (Post 912466)
45 minutes...maybe for some easily disassembled AEG's like AUG's and P90's but armalites and G36's I am usually looking at 60-90 minutes for a quick take down and reassemble, doing everything properly and double checking things. Hell, I consider 45 minutes just to take my M14 apart a good time.

Everyone is different; ultimately, the job is quick and painless if you take it to a gun doc.

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