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How Fit Are Airsofters?
Hey guys; Gordo here again. I am curious to find out how "fit" the average air soft enthusiast is in Canada.
I will run a poll on this, but here are your choices 1. HE-MAN - You are are RAMBO. Your ripped and chiseled, and you shit muscles. You work out constantly and you live your life like your actually in the Special Forces. You are death incarnate! 2. ARMY BOY - You are physically active, you work out a bit, and your in pretty good shape, but you also like to party it up now and again. You may have 10 pounds to lose, but you just never quite get around to it. 3. NORMAL JOE - You are a normal guy, you go to work, you come home an lay on the couch and watch TV. You enjoy Internet Message boards and videos games. You are probably carrying an extra 20 pounds on you, but you still think your looking alright. 4. BUB SLUG - You are a big guy, not Jabba The Hutt big, but your kids WII FIT said your fitness age is 60+ and you are "Obese". You don't do to much physical stuff but all you need is your finger and sweet AEG to decimate the competition. |
I'd like to consider myself pretty fit. It's been a little over a month since I quit smoking so my endurance is not all there yet. Pretty much my goal to be able to pass the ATS police fitness test by summer.
I probably fit into the army boy category. Not the most built guy on the field but I'm fit and I like being active. I'd say most airsofters are in decent shape.
im skiny enough to wear large clothes but my shoulders wont fit anything smaller than a XL lol! |
you left out any mention of skinny mahfuckas like me.
so i guess im normal joe. there's overweight, and underweight. so i'm part of the latter. more ice cream and pizza for me. |
Normal Joe.. I donno
I consider myself to be .. reasonably fit... I have a sedentary day job.. but I teach martial arts 3-4 times a week and fence regularly.. I'm carrying 15-20 lbs I could stand to loose...
I can pretty much out fight most guys half my age .. but a lot of that is experience .. not fittness ... In AS situations.. I have found that even though I'm 2 x most players age and have totaly shot knees I can still out run and out haul most "kids" I think that has less to say about my fittness.. than it does about theirs. |
life is hard for us little guys :D |
Aside from my horrible endurance from smoking, I'm in great shape. Wiry, fast, could probably tighten up 1lb around the middle. I can squeeze into tight spots and hide behind trees.
And the best part is-it's all natural. Very little exercise, shitty diet, sedentary job. I love my metabolism. But I see alot of REALLY fat airsofters. I think around here the pudgy nerd has numerical superiority. |
RIght on man! I am a little over a month quit now! Keep it up! Quote:
Yah, but boy can you ever out climb us big fuckers :D |
Did I log into Lava Life by accident? I hear the Night Exchange is way better by the way.
Few of the boys and I are gonna be pretty jacked for this season. :)
5.7 205lbs can bench press 280 lbs work out in the dungeon twice a week could lose 10 lbs but fuckin hate jogging in the snow will lose in summer with rugby and airsoft. My job keeps me stong and walk tons every day at work.
You left out Jimski built.
http://www.planet-familyguy.com/pfg/...des/3ACX03.jpg ;) I chose average joe. If anything i need an extra 5 pounds :p |
i was going to put the army one, but i dont have weight to loose, so i put He-man :p im 155lbs. i probably should run more just to get my cardio up as well as improve my flexability. i hope that muay-thai will fix that this summer.
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