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lemegacool February 15th, 2009 19:34

classic army b&t mp5 part number needed
last week i was doing some work on a buddy's ca mp5 and i broke the barrel retainer clip on the hop up, i want to ask tirador to order one (a bunch:D) for me but my friend does not have the diagram, if you have the diagram can you tell me the part number of this little clip! (the hop up is not the marui one it's the one that is adjustabe by the ejector)

any help would be greatly appreciated i did some googleing but found nothing!

thanks in advance!

coach February 15th, 2009 19:48


Originally Posted by lemegacool (Post 919965)
last week i was doing some work on a buddy's ca mp5 and i broke the barrel retainer clip on the hop up, i want to ask tirador to order one (a bunch:D) for me but my friend does not have the diagram, if you have the diagram can you tell me the part number of this little clip! (the hop up is not the marui one it's the one that is adjustabe by the ejector)

any help would be greatly appreciated i did some googleing but found nothing!

thanks in advance!

when I was installing mine, it looked similar to the clip on my Marui M4 hopup.

lemegacool February 15th, 2009 20:05

interresting! but anyone can confirm that m4 clip will work on ca's mp5

thanks for that info!

milehigh February 15th, 2009 20:43

Yes, mine broke too and the M4 clip works. Its not as flimsy as the CA one either.

Crunchmeister February 15th, 2009 20:55

Yes, Mine broke as I was installing it back in my CA gun as well.

Anyone know where those clips are readily available? Hopefully in Canada? I need a couple.

F34N0R February 15th, 2009 20:56


milehigh February 15th, 2009 21:03


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 920007)
Yes, Mine broke as I was installing it back in my CA gun as well.

Anyone know where those clips are readily available? Hopefully in Canada? I need a couple.

Just find someone who as an m4 with an upgrade hopup chamber. They usually come with a clip, so if you're lucky they will still have the stock one.

Crunchmeister February 15th, 2009 21:04

I need 1 of them, as I had to cannibalize it from another non-working gun to get my MP5 back together. And of course, spares are always appreciated. Guess I'll place a want ad for one, as I can't seem to find the part for sale anywhere.

milehigh February 15th, 2009 21:06

If you cant find one you can always order an m4 hopup chamber, and sell it sans the clip

lemegacool February 15th, 2009 21:40

wow thanks everybody!! very appreciated! i'll try to contact tirador for these clips!

coach October 31st, 2009 10:24

necro yah!

I just broke mine last night. :(

currently testing out if a dab of JB Weld on the split as well as smeared on top will hold it. if it holds, great if not I guess I'll have to source a new clip. :(

lemegacool October 31st, 2009 15:24


Originally Posted by coachster (Post 1095277)
necro yah!

I just broke mine last night. :(

currently testing out if a dab of JB Weld on the split as well as smeared on top will hold it. if it holds, great if not I guess I'll have to source a new clip. :(

i used a standard m4 clip works like a charm! post a wanted ad... i'm sure some guntechs have them sitting around...

coach November 1st, 2009 14:59


Originally Posted by lemegacool (Post 1095442)
i used a standard m4 clip works like a charm! post a wanted ad... i'm sure some guntechs have them sitting around...

meh. a dab of jb weld seems to be working. will see how it survives a game day then I'll post for one. thanks.

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