Airsoft Canada

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Crunk_Ain't_Dead March 20th, 2009 07:36

Hello Airsoft Canada, some questions.
Hello. I have been a member of for a while, which is modified nerf guns that we have wars with. Anyway, I was looking for a little more, so I bought a crappy spring powered MP9 while in France. I live in Toronto, and I have been unable to find any airsoft guns except for walmart, which I am morally against, plus, their products suck. The only website that I found that ships to canada requires a membership to even see their prices, and they won't validate me for some reason. Im looking for an electric powered rifle, preferably under 30$. Since I am new to airsoft, are there any regulations about shooting in your backyard? I have a huge one. I searched and found nothing. Im also a bit of an environmentalist, and I would like to purchase biodegradable BBs, which I hear exist, as to not litter my yard. Are these more costly than regular ones? Can you buy them at any airsoft-selling store? If anyone could answer my questions, that would be great.

TokyoSeven March 20th, 2009 08:02


The thing about airsoft in Canada is you will pretty much find nothing of quality for sale in anyform of walk in store. Due to how Canadian law works in regards to airsoft, airsoft guns are extremely hard to come by. However there are a few retailers in Canada that are specially licenced to bring them. To find out who they are, you will require this websites age verifacation process. Where if you are 18 years of age or older you can contact and meet with a representative of this website in person who will validate your indentifacation. Once this is complete your user profile will be updated to Age Verified and you will be granted access to our retailer section, where you can find information in regards to what is availble and from whom. Along with the retailing section, another section becomes available, the buy and sell section. This section is resevered for Age verified users of the website to list and sell their own airsoft guns privately, no retailing allowed.

Refering once again to the state of airsoft in Canada, you will have to understand that pricing is not the same as it is around the rest of the world. Due to the nature of airsoft the unique circumstances it falls under, only a handful of people have the ability to order and bring in airsoft guns. Due to this unfortunet situation there is a large mark up on airsoft guns, once you factor in the base price, currencey exchange, shipping, freight, admin fees, customs fees, licence fees and of course profit, you can expect your average $100.00-$150 USD airsoft gun to appear be resold in Canada for anywhere from 3-500 Canadian. This is the unfortunate fact about airsoft in Canada right now. For your budget of $30.00 do not expect to get much if anything at all in Canada, for 30.00USD anywhere else that barely purchases the lowest quality airsoft gun, if even.

In regards to backyard shooting, do so at your own risk. The majority of ASC keep to the idea that it is best to treat an airsoft gun like a real firearm, transported properly, stored properly out of the public eye, handled properly and safely. Its not recommended to play with an airsoft gun in your backyard, as you never know who maybe watching. Someone uninformed could assume you are shooting a real rifle. With that information in mind, I will let you make your own decision.

On the subject of bio BBs, as long as you purchase a quality grade BB with no seems or dents on the BB you should be fine. It is recommened to use high quality seemless BBs as much as possible, as the lower end variety willhave dents and marks that can damage your barrel and in some cases even become lodged in your barrel. Some stores like Canadian tire and Walmart stock some lower end quality biodegradable BBs, however I can not comment on the quality. All I know is that in some instances bio BBs have been known to fragment and break apart on impact. With that information in mind I will let you make your own decision.

I hope this information helps.

Finally, your location states Canada, however your IP says youre in France.
Where are you really from?

DrZooker March 20th, 2009 08:28

Don't use bio BB. Unless you buy madbull or excel bio BB, they are not really bio. I heard they degrade only 10 weeks faster compared to non-bio BB. Plus, they can be dangerous because they may explode on impact. Finally, they may jam and breaks your gun. In my Crossman Springer, there is white powder everywhere since I shooted the Artic White bio BB from walmart.

Crunk_Ain't_Dead March 20th, 2009 08:30

Well, Im not 18 so I guess Ill wait a few years. As for the france thing, Im on a student exchange here, I live in canada normally. Thanks for all the info.

L473ncy March 20th, 2009 10:00

Yeah so you can probably get one over there in France but don't bring it back. Once your exchange is done in France just sell it to someone and recover some money.

Backyard shooting is OK... BUT not recommended. Someone may mistake it for a real gun and you'll have EMT on your ass with guns drawn.

Basement shooting is probably better/safer, make sure you're far away from windows though. Find either the longest hallway in your house or something and setup a paper target and BB trap to shoot at.

Regarding rules of playing. generally it's 18+ but in some circumstances you will be able to play 16+ with parental waiver really depends on the club/field running the game.

Azathoth March 20th, 2009 11:18

Just a comment on the Bio BB's. They don't degrade over night. Generally it will take moisture + sunlight + time for them to finally breakdown. I shot 2 bags of TM BioBB in the Winter of 2008 into the compost heap in my backyard. Later in the summer i put a pile of Madbull .25 (non bio) into the pile. Now that the snow is mostly gone I still see some of the TM's intact, and the madbulls are still pearly white. i'm tempted dig them up and cut them apart.

Crunk_Ain't_Dead March 20th, 2009 17:39

Again, I really appreciate all the feedback. You guys have a really productive community here. I have decided to wait a few years before getting into airsoft. Im not 18 yet, so buying a quality gun off someone on this site isn't an option, and backyard shooting just seems too risky to be worth it. I mean, some ass called the cops because I was shooting modified nerf guns with my friends in a local (empty) park. I will leave the gun I bought in france here, Im sure I can find someone who would use it. If an admin wants to delete my account to save bandwidth, feel free to do so.

Crunchmeister March 20th, 2009 17:41

There's no need to delete your account. You can still be an active member of the forums. By the time you are 18, you'll know people and know quite a bit about guns and equipment. You'll be ready for getting a gun and playing.

L473ncy March 20th, 2009 18:19

Well you seem like a nice guy. Being on an exchange probably proves that you have a head on those shoulders. I doubt that they would send a trouble maker on an exchange (except that one episode of The Simpsons). You still can't get guns in Canada though, even if we know you're mature enough to handle it.

Here's a tip, try and get some scholarships if you're considering Post-Secondary. Also save up your money, it's nice knowing you have a few thousand to play around with when the time comes rather than having to budget your savings to get that piece of gear or that gun.

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