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sortie39 June 28th, 2009 17:14

Classic Army AEG Dragonov SVD newly released
that is an absolutely different version from the china-made springer SVD.
as an AEG from CA,the mag is barely 40rds,instead,as a springer from china,it fuking offers a 300 rds mag! its both unbelievable!!
more info,check out links below:
YouTube - Advanced Look at the Classic Army Dragunov SVD Airsoft AEG

Stupideye June 28th, 2009 17:22

She is hot... The gun I mean. :wink:

Forever_kaos June 28th, 2009 17:28



ShelledPants June 28th, 2009 17:30

There was this weird effect where I could only see the gun when the camera zoomed in...

Shirley June 28th, 2009 17:35

I like her, she's cute with a nice rack.
I'll take her with the rifle too.

ShelledPants June 28th, 2009 17:41


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 1015369)
I like her, she's cute with a nice rack.
I'll take her with the rifle too.

Put me down for two girls and one rifle.

lemegacool June 28th, 2009 17:42


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1015367)
There was this weird effect where I could only see the gun when the camera zoomed in...

lmao yeahhh me too ... review fail... our attention is directed at somthing else:p

Disco_Dante June 28th, 2009 19:02


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1015376)
Put me down for two girls and one rifle.

I bring my own rifle.

Shirley June 28th, 2009 19:12


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 1015410)
I bring my own rifle.

Pff, forget the rifle.

I got another weapon larger than that SVD she's holding in my pants..

gerbalfarm June 28th, 2009 19:22

I must have! The gun that is , my wife won't let me get the girl... Wonder how long until it's released and than who's going to be the first one to bring some of these in.

Donster June 28th, 2009 19:23

i know there is a retailer with connections to spartan imports. i cant say his name obviously cause of the AV rules.

aznpos531 June 28th, 2009 19:25

The girl's cute but her voice is annoying.
The gun looks promising! I'm dying to get an SVD for my collection.

The Saint June 28th, 2009 19:29

Real Sword doesn't need tits to sell their SVDs. Cleavage comes and goes, the gun is what will matter when people are shooting at you.

She either naturally has a slight lisp or she's got braces. It'd be pretty funny if it's the latter.

gerbalfarm June 28th, 2009 19:37

Spartan imports website has the release date as may '09 but it's not showing in their "products" section. wonder if release has been pushed back..

KND June 28th, 2009 19:46

damn. I can't concentrate on the rifle to see the function.

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