Airsoft Canada

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lucasefczynski December 1st, 2009 19:20

recomend me a new gun ? :)
hey i currently use a l96 sniper but im looking for a new gun
im looking for a semi/full auto battery operated gun
i want to have some rly goo d fps on it and i have $$$
so price isnt an isue
but i would also like the gun to be very acurate

so im looking for a high fps gun with good accuracy

any suggestions on guns would be apreciated
if u could link me to a canadian website where i could buy them that would be also helpfull *note* pls make sure it is canadian :)

Grinch23 December 1st, 2009 19:30

if you got the money get aved and buy a ptw :)

Shrapnel[Op-For] December 1st, 2009 19:34

Grinch23 December 1st, 2009 19:37


Originally Posted by Shrapnel[Op-For] (Post 1114672)

thats a no no can't give information to none aved players. sorry ment by links and where to buys guns

The Saint December 1st, 2009 19:40


Originally Posted by Grinch23 (Post 1114677)
thats a no no can't give information to none aved players. sorry ment by links and where to buys guns

Those are links available all over the place. There are no restrictions on them.

lucasefczynski December 1st, 2009 19:40

hey sry wasnt trying to get any one in trouble
i am 18 .. and i sent a message to the guy that lived in my area but never replied :/
but ill look for another and do that
sry guys
but help on a good gun would be apreciated

Donster December 1st, 2009 19:44

what is your budget specifically? what type of gun do you like the best? answer me this, and i can help you

pusangani December 1st, 2009 19:45

do some research, you want us to decide for you? this type of question is the most common and most laziest approach, you won't score any points by asking for a spoonfeeding, decide what style u like, do some research and then when ur av'd buy the gun of your dreams. if you don't know what style u like, get to a game and get av'd there and try out the different gun styles in person


lucasefczynski December 1st, 2009 19:51

i can spend up to 500 $ for a gun
and im askign u guys cuz thers more pl out ther with diff guns then me going out ther and trying out the ones that may be good
im just looking for a accurate yet painful gun

ive used the mp5 and liked the way it was held but yet agaon it was spring action and therfore i need to upgrade lol

so im thinking of the g&g mp5 g5 airsoft gun
wats the accuracy on one of them
heres a canadian site that i use and heres the gun im thinking about

theguy December 1st, 2009 19:54


Originally Posted by lucasefczynski (Post 1114702)
i can spend up to 500 $ for a gun
and im askign u guys cuz thers more pl out ther with diff guns then me going out ther and trying out the ones that may be good
im just looking for a accurate yet painful gun


Thats sooo not what airsoft is about.

Also, 500 bucks is a pretty low budget for a high end new airsoft gun. That will get you an upgraded Chinese clone, or maybe a used higher end brand.

pusangani December 1st, 2009 19:54

you don't know how to read? no one is going to help you get a gun until you are av'd

I smell a minor

lucasefczynski December 1st, 2009 19:57

no im 18 i bought my l96 of this site
if anyone lives in the london ontario area and would like to aved me then just pm me pls
i know it sounds like im a minor and im sry for posting things that make it sound like it too
i just started playing and trying to do more research

pusangani December 1st, 2009 19:59

so do some research so that when you get av'd you know what gun to buy, asking "what gun should i get?" is not research

and airsoft is not about hurting people, no one is going to want to play with someone with that childish mentality

lucasefczynski December 1st, 2009 20:00

now the G&G mp5 g5 a accurate gun or not worth touching??

theguy December 1st, 2009 20:01


Originally Posted by lucasefczynski (Post 1114716)
no im 18 i bought my l96 of this site
if anyone lives in the london ontario area and would like to aved me then just pm me pls
i know it sounds like im a minor and im sry for posting things that make it sound like it too
i just started playing and trying to do more research

It is impossible to buy guns of this site unless you are age verified.

Also, I know it can be hard, but a little work on grammar, spelling, and sentence structure goes a long way.

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