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Love February 18th, 2010 19:19

650mm barrel for AK?
Hey guys. Refering back to one of my older posts about my 250mm silencer that I added to my AK47/Kraken. (I'm building an RML & M76 mix)

With the silencer added on, I would need an inner barrel of 705mm. (But they dont come in that size. Biggest is 650mm AFAIK.)

Would this MadBull 6.03mm TB 650mm innerbarrel work with my AK?

Is theyre any cheaper alternatives?

Also, if I am replacing the stock barrel with this, are there any other upgrades that I should do to my gun? Or would a longer barrel without any upgrades be fine? (If I recall correctly, putting a random upgrade part in a gun, can do more harm than good, if none of the other stuff is upgraded.)

/spoonfeed (You know, I love you all. Except you. *Points at tall person in crowd.*)

EDIT: Might aswell ask this too: Are there any AK47 Shorty Mags availiable?

cerealmaniac February 18th, 2010 19:28

not sure if anybody makes 700mm+ TB's. the madbull TB u posted on airsoftparts is a decent one(and pretty cheap one). with a longer barrel you should perhaps get a bore up kit. as for the shorty ak mags they're everywhere. most airsoft retailers online have them

Love February 18th, 2010 19:31

I havn't seen any shortmags online. Link please? (And yes, I'd rather order inside of canada, but I'll order internationally if I have to.)

Also, Pusangani cleared it up for me too. All barrels for AEG's are same, hopup rubbers too.

I see bore-up cylinder sets/kits for around $75 on airsoftparts. Good price?
(Bore-ups, are for pushing more air through the barrel right? I'd need it because the kraken gearbox isnt meant for a long barrel.)

L473ncy February 18th, 2010 19:47

Tokyo Marui makes a 250 round hi-cap AK shortmag as seen here

I haven't found any mid or low cap AK short mags however if you find some contact me, I'm interested in picking some up.

The only other way I'm thinking of involves a lot of work and may not actually work which is to take a standard length AK mag and cutting it down while modding the internals to work with the cut down mag. This probably involves a dremel, messing with the feeding track and messing with the spring. Like I said a lot of work for not too much gain and possibly destroying a mag in the process.

Jagd February 18th, 2010 19:50


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1167552)
Tokyo Marui makes a 250 round hi-cap AK shortmag as seen here

I haven't found any mid or low cap AK short mags however if you find some contact me, I'm interested in picking some up.

I think there is none, I don't know why though, I keep seeing the hi cap one. No mid or low cap, one company should start making some they would sell like hot cakes!

pusangani February 18th, 2010 19:51

or get RS 5rd shorty mags, and put a TM shotgun shell in it, will need to remove the spring and follower and dremel to make it fit in the magwell - I've seen ANcorp do it.

or find a retailer overseas that sells the K92B MPEG and ask them if the short mag that comes with it is a hicap or standard.

cerealmaniac February 18th, 2010 19:52


Originally Posted by Love (Post 1167538)
I havn't seen any shortmags online. Link please? (And yes, I'd rather order inside of canada, but I'll order internationally if I have to.)

Also, Pusangani cleared it up for me too. All barrels for AEG's are same, hopup rubbers too.

I see bore-up cylinder sets/kits for around $75 on airsoftparts. Good price?
(Bore-ups, are for pushing more air through the barrel right? I'd need it because the kraken gearbox isnt meant for a long barrel.)

a bore up cylinder set for $75 isn't that much. but then again u gotta ask yourself why ur going with a longer barrel....etc.


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1167552)
Tokyo Marui makes a 250 round hi-cap AK shortmag as seen here

I haven't found any mid or low cap AK short mags however if you find some contact me, I'm interested in picking some up.

The only other way I'm thinking of involves a lot of work and may not actually work which is to take a standard length AK mag and cutting it down while modding the internals to work with the cut down mag. This probably involves a dremel, messing with the feeding track and messing with the spring. Like I said a lot of work for not too much gain and possibly destroying a mag in the process.

don't think there are any low/mid ak short mags. i've found only hicaps.

coach February 18th, 2010 19:54

short AK 250 rd high caps:

Jagd February 18th, 2010 19:56

Dude we keep saying that there is only Hi-caps Short mag, don't give us a link ... :banghead: Please read the thread before posting.

Love February 18th, 2010 20:03

Tempting but I dont want a wind wheel/rattling BB's. (plus some games dont allow highcaps.)

Kokanee February 18th, 2010 20:09


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1167552)
...The only other way I'm thinking of involves a lot of work and may not actually work which is to take a standard length AK mag and cutting it down while modding the internals to work with the cut down mag. This probably involves a dremel, messing with the feeding track and messing with the spring. Like I said a lot of work for not too much gain and possibly destroying a mag in the process.

You mean like this?

It is actually quite easy to do, involved a small coping saw, no messing with the feed track and it was very simple to trim the spring. Very little work for a lot of gain :)

More here:

Love February 18th, 2010 20:15

What kind of AK mag is that? :S

coach February 18th, 2010 20:17


Originally Posted by Jagdalex (Post 1167569)
Dude we keep saying that there is only Hi-caps Short mag, don't give us a link ... :banghead: Please read the thread before posting.

dude, I could care less.

I was gathering links prior to you posting, just so happens I hit reply starting typing and then got distracted. :rolleyes:

Love February 18th, 2010 20:19

I do actually appreciate you posting those links Coach. If I have to go with the hicap shorty mag, I will. But just for asthetics.

Shooting Addict February 18th, 2010 20:22

Heres a 705mm barrel for ya:D

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