Airsoft Canada

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Jon The Young Airsofter. February 27th, 2010 13:32

My "Kit"
I went to a site called Buy Airsoft Canada, and I've made a wishlist.

G&G MP5 G5 X1
3000 .20g Top Grade BBs X2
C02 Sig 2022 X1
200 Round MP5 Magazine X2
2-in-1 Belt/Leg Pistol Holster

What'cha think? It costs about $550 altogether.

L473ncy February 27th, 2010 13:53

No. Not that great TBH. My rifle alone was $450 and it was by no means the greatest, that should tell you something.

You don't need the pistol, I didn't even get a pistol until last year in February. Plus you can probably get a cheaper holster from the local surplus store if your town has one.

Also you have a great BB retailer available to you. BBBastard. Don't get the cheapest BB's. You (ideally) spent $500 on your rifle and you're going to run crap BB's in them. It's like running "Bronze" fuel in a car that ideally should use Silver or Gold fuel. Save those BB's for crappy crapsoft and use "Gold" level BB's in a good rifle. Also don't get aluminum or graphite coated BB's. I have heard that they will scratch up the inner barrel and even if it isn't true would you take the chance?

Right now if you're 15 or w/e pick up a Paintball mask, a barrel condom and some BDU's. You'll be able to use them for paintball and later Airsoft because that gear is the same. (Pod carriers don't work for airsoft mags, maybe P90 mags but that's probably about it)

theguy February 27th, 2010 13:54

G&G is okay. I owned one, wasn't that great.

I always recommend one of the higher end brand names for new players, you will thank me in the long run, but expect to pay more up front.

Brands like G&P, Vega Force and CA

Don't worry about a side arm for your first season, and when you do decided to buy one, Look at TM or KCS

NoGear February 27th, 2010 13:56


Originally Posted by Jon The Young Airsofter. (Post 1174692)
I went to a site called Buy Airsoft Canada, and I've made a wishlist.

G&G MP5 G5 X1
3000 .20g Top Grade BBs X2
C02 Sig 2022 X1
200 Round MP5 Magazine X2
2-in-1 Belt/Leg Pistol Holster

What'cha think? It costs about $550 altogether.

Drop the bb's, gun, magazine, and 2-in-1 belt,leg holster

Search Oneshottactical in google and i reccomend you buy ur gear from them.

i got a somewhat decient molie vest for around 58$, you can get ur knee pads, bdu, and more for a decient price

BB's wise you should get bb bastard from asc mart or velocity arms bb's g&g arn't as good compared to these.

C02 pistols are costly and lot of people reccomend a gas gun via propane or green gas, the gun itself is sub par.

if you realy want highcaps buy from anywhere but there as they jack there prices. I suggest if you want an mp5 get 100 round MAG Brand mags because there decient in quality.

For the Gun i personaly won't like it but thats just taste. I would want an SD version hah

diamond_SEA February 27th, 2010 14:06

G&G is not bad. probably a good choice for a first gun. But I agree, drop everything else. You probably wont use a sidearm for a long time, and CO2 is expensive (compared to the pennies it costs to run a propane gun). BBBasterds all the way, best shooting bbs around and are available for a good price as well.

The gun already comes with 1 highcap. you dont need a second one. Most fields have a limit of 1 anyways, so if you find having to reload, buy a box of low or midcap mags. They are wayyy more fun IMO.

cerealmaniac February 27th, 2010 14:14

if you're spending $500+ you might as well get the new mach1airsoft full black guns. or you can get AV'd and buy an AEG off the classifieds. The prices have gone down lots..

FOX_111 February 27th, 2010 14:29

Considering buying a quality AEG as a first gun is wise. Because if you don't like the sport later on, your quality AEG will still be working and worth something. You will be able to sell it faster than a cheap copy clone AEG.

Donster February 27th, 2010 14:34


Originally Posted by cerealmaniac (Post 1174712)
if you're spending $500+ you might as well get the new mach1airsoft full black guns. or you can get AV'd and buy an AEG off the classifieds. The prices have gone down lots..

He's 13

cerealmaniac February 27th, 2010 14:44


Originally Posted by Donster (Post 1174719)
He's 13

my bads i did not realize that.

pusangani February 27th, 2010 20:39

Since when do we give gun buying advice to 13 year olds? WTF is this shit

Amos February 27th, 2010 20:41

YouTube- Trololo

pusangani February 27th, 2010 20:54

Trololololo lo lo lo lo lo!

Jon The Young Airsofter. February 27th, 2010 21:25

Also, I'mma get 2 speed loaders so I can use 1 mag for longer.

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