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Search: Posts Made By: Sicyon
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 5th, 2011, 14:29
Replies: 1
Views: 3,998
Posted By Sicyon
So, I took apart my both my WE M4 and the PDW and...

So, I took apart my both my WE M4 and the PDW and made some comparisons between their brass tube systems. The M4's has a slightly longer brass tube (on both sides, where the inner barrel sits and...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 4th, 2011, 01:14
Replies: 1
Views: 3,998
Posted By Sicyon
Closed WE PDW & Falcon VS-Z

I own a closed bolt WE PDW. For various reasons, I would prefer not to "upgrade" to an open bolt. That being said, I would prefer a better hop up system. From everything I've heard/read, the Falcon...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 13th, 2010, 13:22
Replies: 11
Views: 9,814
Posted By Sicyon
That's exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks. ...

That's exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks.

I have one of the RA tech NPAS nozzles and I'm unimpressed with it. I find that it is too tight inside the brass tube, and when adjusted to a gameable...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 13th, 2010, 02:37
Replies: 11
Views: 9,814
Posted By Sicyon
I am listening. Have you personally tried it? ...

I am listening. Have you personally tried it?

I understand the argument, saying it won't work because it's not designed to work. That does not necessarily mean that it won't work, its just not...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 12th, 2010, 22:40
Replies: 11
Views: 9,814
Posted By Sicyon
Well considering its running way too hot to begin...

Well considering its running way too hot to begin with, using a lower pressured gas could be an easier alternative to dropping the fps. Not to mention the fact that doing so would probably reduce the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 12th, 2010, 03:48
Replies: 11
Views: 9,814
Posted By Sicyon
WEs and different gases

As opposed to modifying or experimenting with the valve assembly to reduce (or i guess increase) the fps, has anyone tried running a WE on HFC132a?

I've tried the common computer duster (HFC152a...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 8th, 2010, 01:32
Replies: 48
Views: 24,586
Posted By Sicyon
Wow, so much for variety

Wow, so much for variety
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 7th, 2010, 02:47
Replies: 48
Views: 24,586
Posted By Sicyon
Possibly off topic, but what models does Systema...

Possibly off topic, but what models does Systema produce? I know of M4/M16 and variants, and I've heard of MP5s but what else?

Better question, have they produced an AK yet?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 7th, 2010, 02:25
Replies: 68
Views: 49,039
Posted By Sicyon
Quoting myself to clarify... If it's clear body,...

Quoting myself to clarify... If it's clear body, than the lower receiver will break fast. But, if you already bought one, than you will find that out for yourself. Had you looked at this thread (the...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 6th, 2010, 03:47
Replies: 68
Views: 49,039
Posted By Sicyon
1.) By VA do you mean Velocity Arms? 2.) If...

1.) By VA do you mean Velocity Arms?
2.) If your answer to 1 is yes, then I would say it will break fast and you'll be left with a whole lot of parts.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 6th, 2010, 02:06
Replies: 68
Views: 49,039
Posted By Sicyon
for $90 it is probably a dboys receiver. I think...

for $90 it is probably a dboys receiver. I think they're the cheapest I've seen on ehobby. If they're anything like their AEG bodies I'd avoid it like the plague.

On a side note, the G&P...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 5th, 2010, 22:06
Replies: 68
Views: 49,039
Posted By Sicyon
I seriously doubt you'll be able to get a metal...

I seriously doubt you'll be able to get a metal lower for a WE or KJW for $90. Metal WE lowers are in HIGH demand and sell for around $160. They are also basically sold 5 minutes after being posted....
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 5th, 2010, 22:00
Replies: 16
Views: 11,217
Posted By Sicyon
I'll second that. Honestly, don't even touch it...

I'll second that. Honestly, don't even touch it till it dies. It shoots around 370 out of the box, and the latest ones even come with metal bushings. From what I've seen, heard and experienced they...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 5th, 2010, 02:00
Replies: 48
Views: 42,564
Posted By Sicyon
I own a WE PDW, and a WE M4. They are way more...

I own a WE PDW, and a WE M4. They are way more fun to shoot than any AEG in terms of realism. There are of course downsides to it, which have been mentioned above. If you do happen to go with a GBBR,...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications May 14th, 2010, 01:11
Replies: 1
Views: 3,161
Posted By Sicyon
WA/WE Receiver Compatibility

Just wondering if anyone has tried putting a WA receiver on a WE, or a WE receiver on a WA. Basically, are WA and WE receivers cross-compatible? I'd prefer to not have to buy one to find out...
Forum: Reviews February 11th, 2010, 03:14
Replies: 8
Views: 12,722
Posted By Sicyon
Well I don't know about the leaking issue. I own...

Well I don't know about the leaking issue. I own a kjw m9 and I've regularly used the same 3 kjw mags for at least 8 months now, and still have none that leak. Just make sure you don't overfill them.
Forum: General July 10th, 2009, 02:05
Replies: 17
Views: 13,356
Posted By Sicyon
I've had a king arms one for over a year now, and...

I've had a king arms one for over a year now, and I've never had any problems with it
Forum: Newbie Tank May 28th, 2009, 01:48
Replies: 35
Views: 29,422
Posted By Sicyon
I'll second that. Although I'd recommend swapping...

I'll second that. Although I'd recommend swapping out the spring for something not quite as hot.
Forum: Newbie Tank May 22nd, 2009, 01:20
Replies: 34
Views: 20,020
Posted By Sicyon
So any updates on a time frame here?

So any updates on a time frame here?
Forum: Newbie Tank December 17th, 2008, 21:39
Replies: 9
Views: 11,442
Posted By Sicyon
How far away is this pop can? a foot? a hundred...

How far away is this pop can? a foot? a hundred feet?

It its 100 feet away no airsoft gun will go through it, even if its empty.
Forum: Newbie Tank December 13th, 2008, 21:00
Replies: 8
Views: 9,380
Posted By Sicyon
Are you talking about the DPMS A-15 Panther M4A1...

Are you talking about the DPMS A-15 Panther M4A1 Jing Gong clone? If so, I've heard rumors that mags aren't compatible with TM mags. Don't know if the rumors are true, but its worth looking into.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 13th, 2008, 01:46
Replies: 24
Views: 16,481
Posted By Sicyon
If you're not a noob, why do you ask noob...

If you're not a noob, why do you ask noob questions?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 10th, 2008, 22:21
Replies: 52
Views: 30,346
Posted By Sicyon
Reloading might be a small problem

Reloading might be a small problem
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 7th, 2008, 00:25
Replies: 12
Views: 10,567
Posted By Sicyon
Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure. I've...

Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure. I've only briefly disassembled my M3, and so I don't really know my way around its internals.

It almost sounds as if it is jammed in the cocked...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 6th, 2008, 22:33
Replies: 12
Views: 10,567
Posted By Sicyon
For disassembling it: ...

For disassembling it:
Forum: General October 16th, 2008, 22:04
Replies: 8
Views: 6,999
Posted By Sicyon
As a completely unrelated note, I find it amusing...

As a completely unrelated note, I find it amusing that his signature is advocating we stop war: "Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind". Yet here he is trying to recreate...
Forum: General July 16th, 2008, 21:16
Replies: 51
Views: 27,797
Posted By Sicyon
Airsoft in the news

Fairly recent article on airsoft in the Montreal Gazette: Doesn't really do any favors for...
Forum: General July 14th, 2008, 23:32
Replies: 6
Views: 6,080
Posted By Sicyon
Showing results 1 to 28 of 28

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