Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
July 27th, 2021, 00:31
Replies: 8
Views: 8,000
Mag mags
I bought an g&g mp5 off a player that was having feeding issues believe it or not with the g&g mag it came with! Tried short metal Cyma mags and they didn't feed well either. Mag mags (yeah the...
Forum: General
January 25th, 2021, 19:02
Replies: 2
Views: 7,193
Forum: General
December 26th, 2018, 23:20
Replies: 6
Views: 8,581
Forum: General
December 26th, 2018, 18:38
Replies: 6
Views: 8,581
Been on there lately
They went from having hundreds of guns in stock to like 6 guns and maybe 12 pistol, stuff on sale for 80% off, many brands no longer in stock like g&p, systema, pts. I want to know if there is a...
Forum: General
December 26th, 2018, 13:30
Replies: 6
Views: 8,581
Ehobbyasia going out of business?
With a drastic reduction of its inventory in the last month or so I have to believe that something big is going on in the industry, does anyone have any factual information to support this?
Forum: Doctor's Corner
March 24th, 2018, 05:35
Replies: 20
Views: 21,270
Crazy kwa shipping
Still trying to find parts in Canada, 3 base seals for mags is $30 in ups shipping...the part is $3.25 each...Thinking the better way is to ship to a friend in the us and have them slap a stamp on it...
Forum: Gear Discussion
February 5th, 2018, 21:49
Replies: 15
Views: 22,819
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
January 25th, 2018, 21:44
Replies: 46
Views: 43,412
Forum: General
January 14th, 2018, 08:31
Replies: 15
Views: 21,717
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
January 12th, 2018, 02:59
Replies: 8
Views: 11,712
Forum: Accessories Discussion
January 11th, 2018, 18:25
Replies: 14
Views: 121,844
I ordered 4 batteries (lipos) from hobbyking,...
I ordered 4 batteries (lipos) from hobbyking, after shipping and exchange rate I paid $20 per battery which is a far cry from the $30-$40 you pay in stores here, 7.4 1800 mah dual leaf lipos, yes...
Forum: Doctor's Corner
December 10th, 2017, 03:02
Replies: 20
Views: 48,214
super cheap fix
16 gauge silicone wiring, that's right, the noodly wiring. pull the copper wire out leaving just the sheath, use an exacto knife to cut approx 1mm of a wee wide ring from the wire and voila! I had...
Forum: General
November 5th, 2017, 08:57
Replies: 18
Views: 22,241
Discipline, discipline, discipline!
Grenades are meant as room clearing agents, I've had grenades (cyclone) go off in my hand as an experiment so I know what it feels like at point blank range, it stings and you get over it. Grenades...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
February 6th, 2017, 20:04
Replies: 2
Views: 6,624
Forum: General
July 24th, 2016, 11:16
Replies: 1
Views: 5,527
messaging issues
Anyone else having messaging issues, doesn't seem like messages are getting sent. It's frustrating when you're ready to buy something, you send 10+ messages and the seller gets only one.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
March 25th, 2016, 18:40
Replies: 8
Views: 8,117
Forum: Newbie Tank
August 13th, 2015, 21:25
Replies: 10
Views: 10,028
Option B meet and greet, new players welcome!
This is a BYOB event, a chance to meet the Option B community, this isn't a tech day or a shooting event. If you wish you may bring food or snacks or just something for yourself, whatever. We've...
Forum: Newbie Tank
June 12th, 2015, 21:30
Replies: 16
Views: 16,039
Echo 1 Rpk
I have an Echo 1 rpk that I've had less than 2 months, in great shape with mag and battery and bipod, $200 and it's yours. I want to get pts masada gbbr and can't justify both. Let me know what you...
Forum: General
March 1st, 2015, 10:02
Replies: 5
Views: 6,577
Forum: General
March 1st, 2015, 08:29
Replies: 5
Views: 6,577
Option B
Thanks again to LadyTresses for a great indoor game.
We are an airsoft community who welcome players of all levels of skill sets. Safety, honor, team work, comradery and fun are our key focus.
Forum: Airsoft Media
February 1st, 2015, 12:50
Replies: 143
Views: 184,772
G&G FN 2000 issues?
For those shooters using a G&G FN 2000 and only have safe and full auto, fell free to have a look that this link.
The friendly guys over at A.B.C. on facebook
Forum: General
January 10th, 2015, 10:10
Replies: 0
Views: 3,815
New or old to airsoft?
Just a reminder that the airsoft builder's club on facebook is alive and kicking.
We welcome players from all levels of experience, got a question and you don't want to sound stupid in asking it,...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
October 1st, 2014, 14:54
Replies: 0
Views: 2,867
A.B.C. airsoft builder's club
it's on facebook, you'll find people who have quick fixes, tricks, reviews, etc all related to airsoft building, it's up to everyone to post stuff so that all within the group helps each other out.
Forum: General
July 30th, 2014, 19:54
Replies: 2
Views: 4,000
Airsoft builders club on facebook
I've changed the site, allowing for a better layout and picture albums on how to's and such.
Forum: Newbie Tank
February 17th, 2014, 10:42
Replies: 9
Views: 6,903
Forum: Newbie Tank
January 7th, 2014, 21:51
Replies: 9
Views: 6,903
keep it coming
this might be the best idea I had this year, 12 or so new members in the last couple hours, over 20 members strong, what are you waiting people.
Forum: Newbie Tank
January 7th, 2014, 20:49
Replies: 9
Views: 6,903
people have been nearly pouring in since my post, thanks for the support with this page guys/girls.
Forum: Newbie Tank
January 7th, 2014, 17:50
Replies: 9
Views: 6,903
Airsoft Builder's Club (A.B.C.)
I've started a page on facebook appropriately named A.B.C. (airsoft builder's club), you won't be discriminated/flammed against for being new. You have questions we have answers, that simple. I...
Forum: General
August 10th, 2013, 14:35
Replies: 4
Views: 5,789
Shister alert!
There's a booth in the 400 flea market that sells airsoft guns, I went in to see what the guy was about to find that he invents outlandish prices for his merchandise and then offers it to you at 1/2...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
April 23rd, 2013, 15:08
Replies: 49
Views: 36,244
Forum: Reviews
February 14th, 2013, 15:15
Replies: 66
Views: 98,403
The only thing keeping this thing from being a...
The only thing keeping this thing from being a replica is the fact that it was never made as a real firearm. 330fps isn't a concern, too bad the polymer doesn't seem to be any better than that....
Forum: Newbie Tank
September 1st, 2012, 08:19
Replies: 12
Views: 7,785
If the mag is really loose (and it bothers you)...
If the mag is really loose (and it bothers you) you might want to get some velcro (fuzzy side only, with adhesive back) cut a strip maybe 1/2 inch wide by 2 inches long and stick it into the magwell...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
June 13th, 2012, 20:24
Replies: 1
Views: 3,382
Steyr Aug ranger plates
I just wanted to share this little project of mine with the community, I took the base plate off of MAG brand Aug mags joined it with a Magpull ranger plate (not the pmag one) with a little modeling...
Forum: General
March 8th, 2012, 09:54
Replies: 23
Views: 16,378
the web link I posted was to show that I did my...
the web link I posted was to show that I did my research, I don't believe it's linked to him although he may have purchased through them. It pisses me off because the only screw that is of any use...
Forum: General
March 8th, 2012, 07:44
Replies: 23
Views: 16,378
that's amusing because he told me he had bought 10 had sold them all except for the one he was keeping and that the one I bought was his last one!
Forum: General
March 8th, 2012, 06:48
Replies: 23
Views: 16,378
Forum: General
February 24th, 2012, 20:35
Replies: 55
Views: 294,001
Forum: Reviews
February 20th, 2012, 10:47
Replies: 1
Views: 5,021
Crye knee pads
Yesterday I played my first game wearing these, I'll never go back to another style of knee pad, they don't shift, I don't have to keep pulling them up and they are unbelievably comfortable.
Forum: General
November 1st, 2011, 18:39
Replies: 78
Views: 53,148
Should we be worried that AGE VERIFIERS are ok...
Should we be worried that AGE VERIFIERS are ok with guys doing this.....Not all granted but that doesn't help with the situation, age verifiers are those that the community trusts to verifier players...
Forum: General
October 31st, 2011, 06:46
Replies: 78
Views: 53,148
Forum: General
October 29th, 2011, 23:59
Replies: 78
Views: 53,148
I'm glad to see such a positive response in...
I'm glad to see such a positive response in dealing with these guys, with this I know that at least the bar is set, and that these guys will possibly be made an example of. I was furious when I saw...
Forum: General
October 29th, 2011, 17:30
Replies: 78
Views: 53,148
we spend years freaking out on people who make...
we spend years freaking out on people who make mistakes like this and now, it's perfectly acceptable....oh my........
mp7 was present I saw it, granted not part of that crew, I don't like to see...
Forum: General
October 29th, 2011, 17:20
Replies: 78
Views: 53,148
Forum: General
October 29th, 2011, 16:58
Replies: 78
Views: 53,148
Forum: General
October 29th, 2011, 16:13
Replies: 78
Views: 53,148
Black eye for airsoft
I was just at the Barrie zombie walk, hoping not to see any retards with their airsoft guns in public, I wasn't so lucky. What is wrong with these players, it's bad enough that we have issues with...
Forum: General
May 22nd, 2011, 09:56
Replies: 52
Views: 30,190
Forum: General
May 14th, 2011, 19:08
Replies: 52
Views: 30,190
Threats from across the border!
In the state of California a bill, SB798, may get passed making it law to have all airsoft guns be brightly colored or clear.
Some of you may think, it's too far to affect us but you couldn't be...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
May 9th, 2011, 11:04
Replies: 5
Views: 6,877
As I posted previously, telling me to check other threads in this site is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's far more helpful, if you know where it is, to make direct reference to it. Many...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
May 9th, 2011, 10:21
Replies: 5
Views: 6,877
New import laws
Can anyone shed some light on this, I heard a rumor that we (Canadians) we now able to import full metal guns with orange flash hiders and velocity must be between (410-500, to fall under the low...
Forum: Reviews
January 17th, 2011, 20:40
Replies: 3
Views: 5,707
G&P M203 full metal review
I just got this in the mail from ehobbyasia, it was on sale (and I think still is) for $72 (was $134) so I took the chance to have one mailed to me and I'm not disappointed at all. It's solid, the...