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Search: Posts Made By: Mister Donut
Forum: General July 31st, 2018, 15:23
Replies: 1
Views: 5,739
Posted By Mister Donut
If you strip it down to the lower, most places...

If you strip it down to the lower, most places won't even know what you have.
Forum: Canadian Airsoft News Stand October 23rd, 2017, 13:15
Replies: 17
Views: 75,703
Posted By Mister Donut
That's because Richmond is a Liberal cluster fuck...

That's because Richmond is a Liberal cluster fuck run by a bunch of cucks.

There are two gun shops in Richmond, so I don’t see why an indoor Airsoft would be a problem.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 30th, 2017, 11:45
Replies: 1,174
Views: 6,920,979
Posted By Mister Donut
Forum: Airsoft Media September 12th, 2016, 12:53
Replies: 97
Views: 416,595
Posted By Mister Donut
Yeah, our MPs apparently sent all their Eotechs...

Yeah, our MPs apparently sent all their Eotechs back already.

BTW, for you guys that have your RPALs, Nordic Marksmen has now listed their 11.5" MRRs available:
Forum: Airsoft Media September 8th, 2016, 14:50
Replies: 97
Views: 416,595
Posted By Mister Donut
Hmmm....I'll have to check with the local MP unit...

Hmmm....I'll have to check with the local MP unit and see if they've done the same. Wouldn't be surprised with the Eotech recall.

A lot of people sent theirs back for a refund, but I kept mine. ...
Forum: Airsoft Media September 8th, 2016, 12:27
Replies: 97
Views: 416,595
Posted By Mister Donut
Also, has the claw tac latches for $34...

Also, has the claw tac latches for $34 plus shipping and tax.
Forum: Airsoft Media September 8th, 2016, 12:27
Replies: 97
Views: 416,595
Posted By Mister Donut
Thanks :) She's a total safe queen, brand...

Thanks :)

She's a total safe queen, brand new unfired except for the 17 or so test rounds from Colt Canada.

Going to pass this one on to my kid one day.

BTW, if anyone is interested and...
Forum: Canadian September 7th, 2016, 14:44
Replies: 22
Views: 55,559
Posted By Mister Donut
There's a used one on CGN for $100 shipped.

There's a used one on CGN for $100 shipped.
Forum: Airsoft Media September 6th, 2016, 13:12
Replies: 97
Views: 416,595
Posted By Mister Donut
That is an impressive build. Looks a lot like my...

That is an impressive build. Looks a lot like my SA20 right down to the Magpul trigger guard...thinking about putting the original Colt Canada trigger guard back because the OCD is getting to me.
Forum: Airsoft Media April 18th, 2016, 14:25
Replies: 97
Views: 416,595
Posted By Mister Donut
For reference, here are a few pics of my SA20...

For reference, here are a few pics of my SA20 with the M5 RAS:

With the Colt IUR:
Forum: Airsoft Media February 8th, 2016, 17:59
Replies: 97
Views: 416,595
Posted By Mister Donut
Hmmmm....maybe I should keep my M5 RAS after...

Hmmmm....maybe I should keep my M5 RAS after all.....
Forum: Airsoft Media November 4th, 2015, 11:42
Replies: 97
Views: 416,595
Posted By Mister Donut
Haven't been back here in ages, and was just...

Haven't been back here in ages, and was just strolling through to look for some info on another rifle when I stumbled on a pic of my own rifle, lol!
Forum: Airsoft Media October 23rd, 2013, 13:51
Replies: 10
Views: 10,952
Posted By Mister Donut
Are you this guy?

This might be an old pic, but I just saw it and was wondering if it was anyone here.
Forum: Newbie Tank August 17th, 2012, 02:59
Replies: 45
Views: 45,909
Posted By Mister Donut
Sorry guys, maybe I should have started a new...

Sorry guys, maybe I should have started a new thread instead of digging up this old one. The 5.56 issue has been resolved, nobody's thinking about converting a RS AR into Airsoft or the other way...
Forum: Newbie Tank August 16th, 2012, 16:02
Replies: 45
Views: 45,909
Posted By Mister Donut
Just throught I'd bring this thread back from the...

Just throught I'd bring this thread back from the dead. I've learned a lot since I posted this thread and just for the record, I have no intentions or notions of doing any stupid conversions. I've...
Forum: Canadian August 2nd, 2012, 12:38
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,706,047
Posted By Mister Donut
Me and a buddy I met on a recent Ex. ...

Me and a buddy I met on a recent Ex.

50 rounds of fun on a belt.
Forum: Airsoft Media July 22nd, 2012, 23:44
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,833
Posted By Mister Donut
Good eye man. Yep, the Desert Eagle, the Hi-Capa...

Good eye man. Yep, the Desert Eagle, the Hi-Capa and the TM M4A1 R.I.S.are Airsoft. Sold the two pistols, still have the M4 up for grabs.

The AR with the green furniture is a Norinco CQ-A. The...
Forum: Airsoft Media July 18th, 2012, 17:06
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,833
Posted By Mister Donut
Good call, haha, the AR with the green furniture...

Good call, haha, the AR with the green furniture is a Norc. 3 of the 8 are Airsoft.
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 17th, 2012, 15:25
Replies: 3
Views: 5,200
Posted By Mister Donut

Found this, not sure if it's useful
Forum: Airsoft Media July 17th, 2012, 12:37
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,833
Posted By Mister Donut
What the hell? I thought this thread was over...

What the hell? I thought this thread was over 180 pages long? I could have sworn I even posted a few pics in that thread. Anyway, I'm kind of getting out of airsoft (even though I was never really...
Forum: Canadian March 20th, 2012, 12:04
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,706,047
Posted By Mister Donut
I don't mind the tac latch, but for you guys...

I don't mind the tac latch, but for you guys who've been in longer, can you recommend a good one that works for you?

Also, don't mind the issue tac vest either, except it would be nice if it held...
Forum: Airsoft Media February 27th, 2012, 14:46
Replies: 27
Views: 32,933
Posted By Mister Donut
Hmmmm, looks almost exactly like the beige one on...

Hmmmm, looks almost exactly like the beige one on eHobbyAsia;

How strong are these things, and do you think they hold the weight of...
Forum: Airsoft Media February 27th, 2012, 02:21
Replies: 27
Views: 32,933
Posted By Mister Donut
I really like the M14. Just curious, how much...

I really like the M14. Just curious, how much does one of these bad boys weigh? Also, do you know anything about the James M14 Leather Sling on eHobby Asia? They've got some nice looking ones...
Forum: Canadian January 11th, 2012, 15:41
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,706,047
Posted By Mister Donut
I'll post some food pictures later. For now.... ...

I'll post some food pictures later. For now....

Bring your rifle with you EVERYWHERE you go and a pic of some members of 4 section outside BCR
Forum: Canadian January 8th, 2012, 22:42
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,706,047
Posted By Mister Donut
Speaking of food, I have to say we eat really...

Speaking of food, I have to say we eat really well on course.
Forum: Canadian January 6th, 2012, 18:14
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,706,047
Posted By Mister Donut
Thanks for the info fellas, I'll think it over. ...

Thanks for the info fellas, I'll think it over. Maybe being attached the "Circus Battalion" isn't so bad, as they say, always warm, always fed, always dry and always paid?

Sorry for getting so...
Forum: Canadian January 5th, 2012, 15:54
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,706,047
Posted By Mister Donut
Hmm..when I talked to my chain, they told me...

Hmm..when I talked to my chain, they told me don't bother transferring, they are simply not hiring in the trade I'm interested in.
Forum: Canadian December 22nd, 2011, 13:51
Replies: 4
Views: 8,777
Posted By Mister Donut
Could be the other way around....a desk jockey...

Could be the other way around....a desk jockey who's already driving a desk in his day job and just wants to play in the mud :)
Forum: Canadian December 5th, 2011, 13:45
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,706,047
Posted By Mister Donut
Hey Gato, haha, long story about what trade...

Hey Gato,

haha, long story about what trade I'm in. When I first applied, I was unemployed and wanted to be a clerk because I thought it would help with finding a day job, but the recruiter told...
Forum: Canadian December 5th, 2011, 13:34
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,706,047
Posted By Mister Donut
Hey Tom, Haha, there were about 50 people on...

Hey Tom,

Haha, there were about 50 people on our BMQ (some dropped out), only 4 of us were from service, even though there are about 25 of us in PAT.

We did our BFT back in October was my...
Forum: Canadian December 2nd, 2011, 12:17
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,706,047
Posted By Mister Donut
Hey, sorry for the late reply, I haven't been on...

Hey, sorry for the late reply, I haven't been on here in months. I'm posted at 39th Svc Bn, and finally on course! Tonight will be my 4th weekend of BMQ, really enjoying it so far.....still can't...
Forum: Newbie Tank May 26th, 2011, 18:35
Replies: 50
Views: 217,404
Posted By Mister Donut
Hi, thanks for the reply. I've already got an...

Hi, thanks for the reply. I've already got an AEG....haha, and it's a wallhanger since I've never played, but I was just wondering out of sheer curiosity if the trend is going towards GBBs.

Forum: Newbie Tank May 26th, 2011, 15:17
Replies: 50
Views: 217,404
Posted By Mister Donut
prices of GBB rifles going down?

Hi everyone, noob thread right? I haven't visited here in years, and haven't been following airsoft for a long time. It seems the price of GBB rifles have gone down quite a bit? The last time I...
Forum: Canadian May 26th, 2011, 15:06
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,706,047
Posted By Mister Donut
Combats, that's right. Sorry for that....still...

Combats, that's right. Sorry for that....still new and stupid. So many new terms to learn. 8 months in PAT and counting, still waiting to get on course...... :(
Forum: Canadian May 26th, 2011, 14:40
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,706,047
Posted By Mister Donut
Sorry for all the bone questions - I'm new to...

Sorry for all the bone questions - I'm new to airsoft as well as the CF. My I/C told us we can't wear any of our issue stuff for paintball, so I assumed it was a no-no for airsoft as well. ...
Forum: Canadian May 25th, 2011, 19:08
Replies: 1,235
Views: 3,706,047
Posted By Mister Donut
Holy cow, 87 pages.....just a question from a...

Holy cow, 87 pages.....just a question from a noob here (that may or may not have been answered before in these 87 pages) - for the guys in the CF, you're not supposed to wear the real deal outside...
Forum: General June 4th, 2009, 11:55
Replies: 170
Views: 105,748
Posted By Mister Donut
Haha, is this what he looks like? ...

Haha, is this what he looks like?
Forum: General May 14th, 2009, 19:31
Replies: 1,578
Views: 1,297,290
Posted By Mister Donut
Big-time noob here, and yes, I've got a gripe. ...

Big-time noob here, and yes, I've got a gripe. 10 year old kids doing all the airsoft reviews on youtube. How the hell do these sub-18 kids get guns????
Forum: Airsoft Media May 2nd, 2009, 03:57
Replies: 14
Views: 7,733
Posted By Mister Donut
A couple of shots of my Desert Eagle and Hi Capa....

A couple of shots of my Desert Eagle and Hi Capa. I know, all the shell casings are for the .45.....anyone have some .50 shell casings lying around?

The last two pics look almost identical except...
Forum: Doctor's Corner May 1st, 2009, 18:33
Replies: 22
Views: 11,589
Posted By Mister Donut
I'm a sucker for fancy. But it seems I need to...

I'm a sucker for fancy. But it seems I need to change a bunch of other stuff before I can reap the benefits of just changing to a ventilated metal piston head right?
Forum: Doctor's Corner May 1st, 2009, 14:39
Replies: 22
Views: 11,589
Posted By Mister Donut
I'm still new to airsoft. I'll read up a bit...

I'm still new to airsoft. I'll read up a bit about piston heads in the upgrade section and see what I should do. Fancy or plain....not sure yet.
Forum: Doctor's Corner May 1st, 2009, 14:05
Replies: 22
Views: 11,589
Posted By Mister Donut
Cool, thanks! Here's a pic of where the o-ring...

Cool, thanks! Here's a pic of where the o-ring should be, and I hope this thread can help anyone else who may run into this problem.

The green gas I used when I first got the gun was self-lubing,...
Forum: Doctor's Corner May 1st, 2009, 13:39
Replies: 22
Views: 11,589
Posted By Mister Donut
Yep, I think you're right. I've slid the o-ring...

Yep, I think you're right. I've slid the o-ring back down the blow-back unit. Is it in the right place now, or is it supposed to be further down into the lower groove?
Forum: Doctor's Corner May 1st, 2009, 13:34
Replies: 22
Views: 11,589
Posted By Mister Donut
I've never adjusted the hop-up, got the gun brand...

I've never adjusted the hop-up, got the gun brand new and it's completely stock. I tried dialing the hop up back completely (all the way to the left), put everything back together and the slide...
Forum: Doctor's Corner May 1st, 2009, 13:21
Replies: 22
Views: 11,589
Posted By Mister Donut
Took the slide off again, the safety lever goes...

Took the slide off again, the safety lever goes up and down no problem, fired off a few more shots, BBs come out, no problem, but I did notice that bbs spin upwards.....that didn't happen before.
Forum: Doctor's Corner May 1st, 2009, 13:10
Replies: 22
Views: 11,589
Posted By Mister Donut
I've taken off the slide and looked around for...

I've taken off the slide and looked around for any obstructions, didn't find anything. Can anyone tell by these pictures if something is not seated right, or not how it should be?
Forum: Doctor's Corner May 1st, 2009, 13:02
Replies: 22
Views: 11,589
Posted By Mister Donut
The only way to clear the hole is to shift the...

The only way to clear the hole is to shift the slide back a bit, but then it's not in the right position and the safety won't engage.
Forum: Doctor's Corner May 1st, 2009, 13:01
Replies: 22
Views: 11,589
Posted By Mister Donut
But I can only get the slide to line up properly...

But I can only get the slide to line up properly when the locking pin (not sure what it's called?) is removed. Then if I look through the hole, this is what it looks like:
Forum: Doctor's Corner May 1st, 2009, 12:58
Replies: 22
Views: 11,589
Posted By Mister Donut
I know this is what it's supposed to look like:

I know this is what it's supposed to look like:
Forum: Doctor's Corner May 1st, 2009, 12:57
Replies: 22
Views: 11,589
Posted By Mister Donut
TM 5.1 Hi-Capa - cannot engage safety

Hi everyone,

Just wondering if there's someone in Richmond/Vancouver who can take a look at my Hi-Capa. I've put maybe 200 or so bb's through it and now I can't engage the safety.

The slide no...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 84

Airsoft Canada

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