Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
July 28th, 2009, 01:18
Replies: 105
Views: 111,883
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
July 27th, 2009, 18:03
Replies: 105
Views: 111,883
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
July 27th, 2009, 14:13
Replies: 105
Views: 111,883
Forum: General
July 27th, 2009, 03:41
Replies: 93
Views: 50,535
Forum: Newbie Tank
July 12th, 2009, 01:31
Replies: 14
Views: 10,274
Forum: Newbie Tank
July 11th, 2009, 18:24
Replies: 14
Views: 10,274
I know it won't hide me all that great. The...
I know it won't hide me all that great. The reason I would do it is because it would look pretty BA lol. That's why I'm asking if regular 'infantry' type players hide much or need camouflage.
Forum: Newbie Tank
July 11th, 2009, 17:59
Replies: 14
Views: 10,274
Camouflage: How important is it?
I have been playing CoD:MW lately and I love the idea of digital or red tiger on an airsoft gun. The only problem with having a red gun would be the obvious lack of camouflage. Is camo really that...
Forum: Newbie Tank
April 30th, 2009, 11:18
Replies: 13
Views: 9,181
Forum: Newbie Tank
April 30th, 2009, 11:09
Replies: 13
Views: 9,181
Forum: Newbie Tank
April 28th, 2009, 11:41
Replies: 13
Views: 9,181
Forum: Newbie Tank
April 28th, 2009, 11:26
Replies: 13
Views: 9,181
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
April 3rd, 2009, 22:27
Replies: 16
Views: 11,038
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
April 3rd, 2009, 20:10
Replies: 16
Views: 11,038
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
April 3rd, 2009, 18:58
Replies: 16
Views: 11,038
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
April 3rd, 2009, 18:38
Replies: 16
Views: 11,038
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
April 3rd, 2009, 18:21
Replies: 16
Views: 11,038
Good Gun to Accessorize
I have been looking at getting a new airsoft rifle for a few weeks now. I currently have an Aftermath Kraken, and I like it, but I want something of higher quality that has 4 rail mounts like the M4...