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Search: Posts Made By: Temm
Forum: Accessories Discussion October 28th, 2010, 20:36
Replies: 19
Views: 18,056
Posted By Temm
Lightbulb They look sort of similar... So if I...

They look sort of similar...

So if I bought a CA Proline P90 I'd have to buy a seperate RDS included upper just to remove the RDS to install the OP rails?

dayum... more pricey complications...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 28th, 2010, 20:33
Replies: 109
Views: 66,402
Posted By Temm
Lightbulb $200 USD so what does that mean for us in Canada?...

$200 USD so what does that mean for us in Canada? :D

Still planning my first loadout so would a cheap (yet full of value) GBB such as this WE "G39C" be good for learning maintenance and upgrading...
Forum: Accessories Discussion October 25th, 2010, 21:37
Replies: 19
Views: 18,056
Posted By Temm
Well I'm planning my first P90 so I wanted to...

Well I'm planning my first P90 so I wanted to know about all the options. Might buy a TM integrated RDS upper buuuuut that looks 1337 K00l H@X0rZ.. jkz.

At least these rails go with the original...
Forum: Accessories Discussion October 25th, 2010, 21:02
Replies: 19
Views: 18,056
Posted By Temm
Exclamation Identify - p90 rails

Help! Buddy sent this picture to me and was wondering where I can get those rails?

Judging from the website where it came from I'm assuming its custom...

Fingers crossed!:x:
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 24th, 2010, 00:53
Replies: 50
Views: 33,837
Posted By Temm
Cool Dayuuum those rifles look nice! I almost had no...

Dayuuum those rifles look nice! I almost had no interest in picking up an AR until I saw the pictures.

So what is the difference between the "recce rifle" and SOPMOD M4 ?
Or am I a dumbass and...
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