September 6th, 2009, 18:31
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Istanbul
I have posted something about the APs onto my forum.
You can read it here.
I will quote it here
Hello people that randomly check my site.
Sorry for being quiet for so long, as we all noticed, something wasn't going well since nothing would take this much time to be developed and tested.
Sadly, my partner who was doing the "bullet" part of my project went missing a few months ago.
Reason? Serious schizophrenia which caused him to abandon everything and everyone after causing plenty of monetary loss. It's not easy to notice these, as he was doing a great job hiding his condition. As time went on, I started to lose contact with him and after a while I could only talk to him on the phone, and I started to hear things about him being held at some place against his will, having a stroke, being paralyzed etc. Which came out to be illusions he was having.
Right now, I don't have any idea where he is. But at least I know that he is well, he was one of my closest friends afterall.
What about APs?
We were getting somewhere with these, but we made no progress after the beginning of this year. I kept receiving excuses for delays and lost my focus on the topic because my part was to do the small research I did for the market, launch a site and basicly do whatever an industrial designer would do (besides making shiny illustrations which I also was going to do)
After going through the stuff of our now shut down shooting range/workshop I could find the prototype APs, but I have doubts about their design. I don't believe they were designed by following the principles of ballistics, but rather how bullets work in my partner's mind, which might be real, or delusions.
So whats next?
To be honest, I still think a non spherical projectile in airsoft community can have it's place and can make a few snipers happy. As people on ASC forums pointed out it was done in paintball, and It's only a matter of time before someone brings them into airsoft, and as some of you know, It was done before and It was working. With tecnology getting better, I don't see any reason for such a project to not to be feasible.
And I'm still interested in this project, I might come up with a new design as I've started to study about it and I tend to spread the airsoft epidemic to the people around. (Especially with that Turkish gibberish I wrote onto this site, It's about passing airsoft through our customs ) so only time will tell.
Anyway, thanks for reading and your support!