I got a CA M15a4 rifle (m16a3) and it broke after 5 minute of shooting.After i Opened the box obviously.On the other hand i also have a CA M15a4 carbine (m4a1) and its still runnign perfectly after 4 games.
I also got a CA slr105 a1 and its a total beast.Awsome rof and realiability.
So CA are realy the alfa romeo's Of the airsoft guns....you dont why,when and what is going to break...but they have a soul that no other brand have (juste like an alfa)
For TM a have a tm g36c and its 5 years old!And it never cause me ANY problem...thats why i respect tm,they juste keep running for ever,just like a toyota^^
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Last edited by airsoftQ; October 14th, 2009 at 00:07..
Reason: Mistakes