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Old October 16th, 2009, 16:06   #1
Brian McIlmoyle
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Toronto
My Name is______ and I have a problem

So... Since april 2005 I've accumulated 13 AEG and 12 Pistols.. which is all well and good.. you can't have to many guns.. Right?

But my real problem is gear... BDUs, Smocks.. LBV, Chest rigs,

I can't seem to stop I want it all.. I ponied up serious $ just today to help a fella thin out his collection.. on his way out of active AS participation.

I did not need any of it.. but now i have it.. and feel somehow.. sated..

This is getting to be nearly as bad as my Cigar problem....

Thank god I kicked the Scotch problem.. or I'd not be able to afford my new vices.

Anyone else think they have tipped over into pathological territory in the gear buying?
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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