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Old October 24th, 2009, 14:36   #1
Prince Rory
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Victoria, BC
JG M16 Mechbox problem

Hello, I was prompted to change the spring in my JG M16, not knowing how I went to and followed the video instructions closely
I felt pretty confidant while working inside thanks to the video and I eventually put all the peices and gears back where they needed to be in the mechbox along with the new spring. After putting it back in the lower reciever and connecting the motor and battery I tried it and it seems I didnt time the gears properly, the motor was just running, I took it back apart and reset them properly then learned that I had not properly seated the motor in the grip and then did it properly, but now when I pulled the trigger, it did absolutly nothing.
Taking it all apart and just trying to get the motor working wont work at all, no sound, no movement, whats going on?
Will post pics if requested.
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