November 6th, 2009, 22:37
formerly Grimm Reaper
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: The Cayge (Kawarthas, Ontario)
Originally Posted by Lerch
Honestly I have no idea what my actual title is anymore (combat storesman?!), I'm currently sitting under Support Troop at 4AD (the AD standing for Air Defense), and have a desk in the BQMS. So during normal work hours I do the QM thing, which is issueing kit and weapons, and preparing packages for field exercises.
That said, when 4AD does go into the field either locally or out of region my duty is driving the bin truck (the ML above) and delivering equipment to the troops.
The position I'm in now is just a progression of different courses and pure luck 
Lets not kid our selves here Lerch... we all know you dont have a job... you are just a guy who fills a hole lol
Freedom isn't bought in stores, it is bought on battlefields. ~Thanato