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Old November 10th, 2009, 11:33   #21
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
It looks like simply two slots cut into the side of the feed tube...the bbs feeding up would have to overcome the o-ring tension to make it up. Weak springs would likely blank fire. I'm sure they'd work with a Hicap.

Looks like a better moustrap...sure it works...but is it necessary at all?

If you drop your do you clear your gun? Invert it and shoot out what's left?
Thats what I was thinking about. If you have to go to all clear, heading into the safe zone. I don't want to have to eject the mag then invert the gun and fire it off a few times until I know its empty. 3-4 BBs is not worth my money one bit. I would take the oring out. I just like the adjustment wheel and tracer functions. The o-ring seems pointless.
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