November 26th, 2009, 23:17
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Toronto,Ontario
Originally Posted by Cilantro
I think this sort of thing happens to all airsofters. They wake up and realize "Hey, this really isn't fair!", it's almost like puberty for Canadian airsoft. I long ago realized that there was no real, trustworthy data on anything regarding importation or price management for airsoft in Canada. No retailer is willing to show how much their markup is, or how much they actually spend in fees, brokerage, etc. The retailers are in a very special position of having a "blind" customer base that for the most part knows basically nothing about what goes on.
I also realized that halfbreeds are the completely wrong way to go. Why make it more acceptable to sell airsoft guns to minors who are more likely to end up in the news? We can't control every aspect of our sport, but I think that pouring money into a loophole in the law is going to harm us in the long run. The whole "halfbreeds are legal" argument won't hold up in court when someone missing an eye or a mutilated pet goes to court. Instead, we should have been putting that money into trying to have the Canadian gov't treat airsoft like they do in the UK. And before I get flamed with lip-flapping posts saying it won't work, remember that I said "should", not that we will even try. I realize that this may cause the thread to go off the tracks, but this is not intended as a flame, just my two cents. In an age of eco-awareness and hundred-mile diets, shouldn't we know where our hobbies comes from, and how they get to us?
+1 good sir
Originally Posted by pusangani
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public