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Old November 26th, 2009, 23:19   #54
Conker's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Canada / Ireland / USA
[quote=Cilantro;1111757]Why make it more acceptable to sell airsoft guns to minors who are more likely to end up in the news?
It's not more acceptable... it's just significantly way easier for minors to buy them by the time they're publicly sold on a public website.

A few years ago, a friend was about the 14 and was able to buy several black guns from 007 and A&A back then. I think he had bought 7 guns over two years. It's much simpler convincing the parents to buy them for their kids then to get them AV'ed (and as events has shown it recently, parents who get AV'ed for their underage kids gets caught most of the time). Hopefully, he was not a dumbfuck to bring them to school, but if he did buy them... more probably did.

But, it's also easier for newcomers to the sport to buy a cansoft, get a taste before investing some money (all? lol) into airsoft. Three people around me started that way, and will get AV'ed during the winter as soon as they can.

Originally Posted by Cilantro View Post
We can't control every aspect of our sport, but I think that pouring money into a loophole in the law is going to harm us in the long run. The whole "halfbreeds are legal" argument won't hold up in court when someone missing an eye or a mutilated pet goes to court. Instead, we should have been putting that money into trying to have the Canadian gov't treat airsoft like they do in the UK. And before I get flamed with lip-flapping posts saying it won't work, remember that I said "should", not that we will even try. I realize that this may cause the thread to go off the tracks, but this is not intended as a flame, just my two cents. In an age of eco-awareness and hundred-mile diets, shouldn't we know where our hobbies comes from, and how they get to us?
I definitely agree, but all the ideas that were brought forward we all killed in the egg by the community.... Anyway, it's not with douchebags like CAS that the sport will (positively) grow... they just want the money and don't care about the players.

Errr... what was the subject of the thread again?
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