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Old November 29th, 2009, 23:48   #131
Assault Pioneer
formerly haakon45
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Edmonton AB
Okay a little filler cause most of you seem to not know what exactly the "300 club" is.

Yes it started with the milsim guys at the EAR. it has nothing to do with 8 pack abs and angry men with beards.

It's a throwback to the days when stock guns shot about 280fps. Members of the "300 club" have guns that shoot under 300 fps, by choice. because now stock guns run like 340fps+ in practical terms it mean "those who choose not to upgrade their guns because we fuckin rock and it doesn't matter if your screaming on all cylinders with a systema we'll still drop you like a doe"

But the term originates from when TM guns shot no more than 300 in stock form were the norm. its kinda like those guys who go hunting turkey with a slingshot, its just for the challenge and to keep it exciting, cause whats the fun in blowing it's brains out from 700 yards away when it has no idea its being hunted? same deal with airsoft. when everybody is running 380fps it's awesome to show up with like a TM scorpion and just dominate
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Wow, best derailed thread, ever.
Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video.
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