Importing Questions to Montreal, from Florida. Assistance needed.
Dear all
Greeting from Florida state, US. Long story short, I work in a local airsoft store and i have very nice people from your Country visiting family here, on vacation. The mother come into my shop yesterday and wanted to buy Classic Army Sportlines for her children (I guess her children found out about the sport and want to get into it). We get all the way to the register and they tell me they are from canada.
Well I told them that to my knowledge the country of Canada has very specific rules and what-not; i would hate for them to be flying back home with an AEG they spent $160USD's on with all these accesories and have them confiscated. I have heard that you must have transparent recievers and whatnot (My knowledge is very shady in this area, please forgive me.)
So i told her that I will ask a group of fine gentleman (Such as yourselves) to provide feedback on what to do. That has lead me to this forum.
Any suggestions?
Thank you, and Happy Holidays!