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Old January 9th, 2010, 22:08   #45
formerly Swatt Five-Six
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Medicine Hat, Alberta
Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
Today I installed the Madbull Ultimate Hop Up into my completely stock CA XM 177 E2. Prior to installation this AEG's FPS was chronied at approximately 330 FPS. With the Ultimate Hop Up Unit installed the FPS was chronied at approximately 400 fps.

Has anyone else experienced this significant increase in muzzle velocity?
would love to know if anyone else has had this happen, was thinking of getting one for my M4, but if it makes a jump in fps like that, I would not be able to use my gun on most fields as it would be well over 400fps (already doing about 375). Plus, I was poking around for some reviews and came across a board in the US, the name of the board escapes me right now, but some was saying that they had to mod their bodies with some brands of AEGs to get it to fit, and even going as far as to say that Madbull was making a body that this hop up was ment for, that it wasn't ment for other aeg bodies.
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