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Old January 15th, 2010, 09:02   #95
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
And as soon you change something, that TM will explode in your hands.

It's nice to have alternatives choice though. Still, $500 for a clear plastic aeg with low fps and shitty internals (yes shitty, as soon you start changing things, they don't hold up for shit)... Meh.

If they came pre upgraded to 350fps with solid metal internals, it would be a sweet deal. Just add a $5 krylon black spray can

Now lets see a clear TM M14
That's 100% bullshit.

We've had several TM's (M4's, AK's, G36C's)...all upgraded to varying degrees. Bushings, spring guide, spring....gears, nozzle, other internals...high power (400) and low power (330)...they all ran fine for, collectively, dozens of games and bags of BBs.

GRANTED...the TM M4A1 new type is not the best base for customizing a lot of the can...but the delta ring limits your options and the skinny barrel was never meant to show. The plastic body takes a lot of strain when you stick a big full steel barrel and metal 203 on the front end.

But that's modding the externals. The internals as-built from the factory are good....done well, minor upgrades can be run without it having it explode in your hands as soon as you touch it.
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