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Old February 19th, 2010, 21:43   #59
Wildlife's Avatar
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Richmond, BC
Just recieved mine today, was ordered two weeks ago.
It's identical to Ayashifx55's, right down to the misspelled
"FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT/MLITARY USE". Reticle seems quite large in mine,
and lenses are extremely reflective/shiney. Decent EoTech sight for $42 shipped; the reticle is neat, seems similar to a R/S P90 ring sight reticle to me. Maybe possible to retrofit the guts into a OEM TM P90 reddot/ringsight shell...? (Just because.)
Metal cover & frame are well cast, finish has a few blemishes. Instructions clearly state "batteries not included", though they are.
Oh, I got a EoTech hood too. Fits extremely tight, had to trim it slightly to fit & function properly.
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