Originally Posted by Conflicts6
Okay. Thanks alot. Well, with the stock motor right now (stock CYMA High torque V3 motor) i am getting about 7-10 rps. How many do you think i would get with this g p m120 motor? Would it increase slightly or drastically? Im looking at getting about 15rps.
Are you getting 7-10 RPS with the Triple torque gears and a stock CYMA motor? If so then the 120 will be higher. It's not something that I can give you an exact number on.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
They're just awful, and the good, intelligent, helpful people on the airsoftmechanics forum just can't say enough bad things about them either.
I can't complain about my Magnum motors. Own 2 and finally got around to doing all the mods to the 2nd. I have a triggermaster MK4 on the 1. Gun runs flawlessly (after insulation mod). Paid 60 dollars for the second one from a dummy user here who is anti-magnum. Granted there are flaws with the motor but it was the first neo-dyn magnet motor on the market so many years ago. It's easy to bash something in hindsight when there are alternatives now. There are many alternatives to the magnum and G&P, such as golden eagle and other ACM motors (shudder)
but for someone who wants a drag and drop motor with the ease of the pinion gear setup. Systema is the way to go. I haven't seen the grub screw setup on any other motor and spending money on a tool to remove and install the gear is silly.
Do you know what ruins airsoft?
(Chair), (Drama), (Air), (Sugar) softers, filthy casuals
Originally Posted by mcguyver
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
WANTED PTW Receiver PRIME, STG, Factory