I dunno, there are a couple of recommended internal upgrades for gas rifles too. In my Tanaka M40, I have an aluminum hub, upgraded firing pin spring, a VSR hop up kit, and a steel mag knocker, in addition to the external (12g CO2) rig. The CO2 is bolted to the side of my scope, so I can drop the rifle and run without being tethered to it. These were all 'necessary' upgrades, and comparably expensive/time consuming to what my friend had to do to his VSR. The M40 is shooting 504 +/- 4, pretty damn consistent for a gas rifle, and in any weather/temperature.
As a lefty, the zero resistance bolt action was a must for me. It's very difficult to charge a VSR with a heavy spring left handed compared to my M40.
Vita, Passione e Pistole