Originally Posted by Hata
This is a tech discussion thread. Post your question to "Restricted Age of Majority Discussion " instead
Didn't see you complaining about any of these posts:
Originally Posted by spartan117
I'm having trouble finding a WE metal body. Preferaby a Stag arms but a Colt lower is good too. I'm really thinking about getting a WE m4. They just look so attractive. 
Originally Posted by Gato
You won't regret it, the WE Colt trades are awsome but they're much sexier when painted, that's the plan for mine as soon as I get around to it :P
Originally Posted by Thenooblord
any1 know who carries SCAR steel triggers? I thought 6mm mag had them but i didnt see any
Originally Posted by jamuke
I purchased the 363mm from airsoftbuddy. they are for M4 but will fit
You will need to measure and cut a new notch on the barrel as the brass chamber are different size for the scar and m4
other than that, easy peasy
and Tys metioned that the clear lower M4s were popular -- I'm sure I'm not the only one in this thread interested.
Originally Posted by m102404
The clear lower M4's that are selling like hotcakes look and check out exactly like a full metal M4....except for the clear polycarbonate lower receiver. Swapping on a metal receiver is simple and easy.