Sure I can recommend something. In easy to follow steps.
1. Goto any sears/thebay/walmart/zellers/whatever store that sells mens wear.
2. Goto the accessories area
3. Look at Wallets
4. Pick up Wallet (that costs less then what your willing to spend)
5. Goto Cash register
6. Use Money on Clerk
7. Exit Store
Don't be a metro, just buy a hunk of dead cow that holds your shit without looking retarded. And if any of the namby pamby's come into this thread and even mention a single wallet that has a brand, ignore them. because their junk is too small, so they compensate with brand name things to make them feel special. Real men don't need fancy brand name shit, just stuff that works.
(Ps. I have a Wallet I got from Sears around 11 years ago and it works great. and it cost all of 20 bucks)