Well the point is that in airsoft, you get what you paid for.
While the kraken is fairly inexpensive (200$), it is lacking in quality control and needs to be properly shimmed and modified right of the box to perform adequately.
A much better choice for someone looking to start would be a G&G AK-47 REC at 298$ which comes with a decent gearbox right from the start and a decent battery. You also get a decent charger.
I personally started airsoft with a G&G AK-47 (the wood version CAS) and I love it. I still own this AK which has proven to be a reliable AEG as a backup gun.
Krakens are what they are, they are upgrade platform and they can be made in truly great AK with proper modding and dedication. As a first airsoft gun, they can either make or break your airsoft experience. Thus, you should not cheap out on your first gun - buy something decent and then if you like your first weapon you can upgrade it or move on to higher end aegs (like a realsword type 56-1 in my case
