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Old July 5th, 2010, 11:40   #9
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Kitchener Ontario
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I have personal experience with the M733.

- A 9.6v small butterfly battery will fit into the stock handguards if you remove the fake gas tube. This can up your battery capacity to ~1600mah.

- The handguards, handguard retaining cap, and outer barrel are all proprietary to the design.

- The upper receiver can be swapped out for a flat top one, no compatability issues with barrels etc.

- A 7" freefloat RAS rail will work on the stock M733 outer barrel and body. Any rail system that doesn't connect to the front sight (connected only to the upper receiver) will fit.

- The M16 MRE rail (rail behind and infront of triangle front sight) will also fit around the triangle front site without issue.

- Use a M4/M16 carry handle scope rail. These are made by a variety of manufacturers. With the TM carry handle, be sure not to split it in half by overtightening the mount.

If you have any other questions/compatability querries you can PM me.
Call sign: Shadow_Matter

"I play airsoft, yes yes..."

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