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Old July 7th, 2010, 08:35   #277
Perroz Designs
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Toronto, ON
For my last ghillie (third I have made so far), I bought out all the burlap tree-wrap I could find at my local hardware store.

I then cut the long wraps into large squares. Then after having a big piles of square burlap, I took each square, one at a time, tore the individual strands of burlap from the pre-cut squares. Once I had about 12-15 strands of burlap the desired length, I then sinched down the burlap strands I pulled out with my hands and applied it to my ghillie netting.

This process took a VERY long time, but in the end, it was well worth the extra effort.

I will post some pics after if anyone is interested in seeing the final product...
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