Originally Posted by Leang
First question. My current 1911 is a cheap CO2 clone so I'm not too knowledgeable about the other gas types. The answers I've found online sometimes contradict each other and I'd rather hear it from a community that knows what they're talking about. HFC134a seems pretty tough to get here in California, and from what I've read about R134a, it seems to be the same but without the lube. And most of the people here seem to prefer propane. So many different types! Will propane, HFC134a, and R134a(this one with 1 drop of oil every few mags) all work without any special adapters or add-ons? And can a stock MEU handle the extra force from propane?
HFC134a and R134a ARE the same thing. Lube is NOT the differentiation, unless it's specifically sold as an airsoft gas, and then it's just the same gas but with lube added. It is not defined as "HFC134a" or "R134a" in many cases of airsoft packaging.
134a in general is difficult to find in California's due to their "green" laws, and the fact that 134a is a hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerant that is harmful to the ozone (when released in mass quantities.) There are worse gasses for the environment.
It can still be found in California, but it is increasingly difficult to do so as more and more regulations are passed to control the sale and use.
Stick with propane. It's much cheaper, the performance benefits are much more worth it, and the MEU can handle it just fine. Except for an Airsoft Innovations propane adapter, you shouldn't need anything else to use propane on your Marui MEU.
Originally Posted by Leang
Second question. When the MEU arrives, I was planning on trying to source a KM or PDI 6.04 mm inner barrel, but I read some pages back about a Tanio Koba Twist Barrel. If this is the goto barrel for ILLusion, would this be an optimal barrel for someone like me, who's just starting to get into airsoft customization?
Either of those barrels are fine, they just have different flight trajectory characteristics. The KM has a long range arc that is very consistent, whereas the Twist barrels have a laser straight trajectory and flies off in inconsistent directions once it passes its usable range. At higher powers, the fly away direction can even go upwards, but if you're using the barrel within its recommended power range (<1J), then you should be fine. It's actually pretty difficult to get a pistol to pass 1J without fairly heavy modifications anyways.