Originally Posted by Thenooblord
propane is cheap, and is always my first choice as propellant, and a TM MEU can handle it fine, and a TK twist barrel is never a bad choice ofr a pistol 
Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply.
Originally Posted by ILLusion
HFC134a and R134a ARE the same thing. Lube is NOT the differentiation, unless it's specifically sold as an airsoft gas, and then it's just the same gas but with lube added. It is not defined as "HFC134a" or "R134a" in many cases of airsoft packaging.
134a in general is difficult to find in California's due to their "green" laws, and the fact that 134a is a hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerant that is harmful to the ozone (when released in mass quantities.) There are worse gasses for the environment.
It can still be found in California, but it is increasingly difficult to do so as more and more regulations are passed to control the sale and use.
Stick with propane. It's much cheaper, the performance benefits are much more worth it, and the MEU can handle it just fine. Except for an Airsoft Innovations propane adapter, you shouldn't need anything else to use propane on your Marui MEU.
Either of those barrels are fine, they just have different flight trajectory characteristics. The KM has a long range arc that is very consistent, whereas the Twist barrels have a laser straight trajectory and flies off in inconsistent directions once it passes its usable range. At higher powers, the fly away direction can even go upwards, but if you're using the barrel within its recommended power range (<1J), then you should be fine. It's actually pretty difficult to get a pistol to pass 1J without fairly heavy modifications anyways.
Sweet. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. My AI GunGas Kit is on its way now. For aesthetics, I'm trying to achieve something very similar to the photo you have in
post 33. The slide will be stock black plastic, but I'd like the bushing and the barrels to be a matching silver or stainless steel. It looks like there are possibly 4 or 5 pieces I'll need to get. I colored them in blue here:
To be honest, the only parts I know the names for are the outer barrel and the inner TK Twist Barrel. ILLusion, can you list how much you charge for the required parts here (or in a pm if its against forum rules)? If the price is within my means, I'd be more than happy to just order all of it from you.
Now for a few more questions.
1. Without considering upgrading to a better frame, would upgrading any of the internals yield good results?
2. I've read that the weight is concentrated on the grip and magazine end. I'm hoping that the parts I'm obtaining for the silver tip will help even it out a little, but I'm not expecting it to make that much of a weight difference. Any tips to increase balance and pointability?
3. Would the MEU count as a 5.1?
4. How efficient are the stock internals in terms of efficient gas usage? Anything I should replace off the bat?
5. I'm a bit bummed that the Novak sites don't have the white dots to help aim. Anyone have thoughts on the Novak stock sites? This is ultimately a preference thing of course, but I'd still like to see how you guys personally feel about this.
This thread is by far the most informative resource I've found on the 1911/MEU. You guys are amazing!