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Old September 23rd, 2010, 20:23   #427
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Grande Prairie Alberta
Co2 Durability testing

Alright guys I have made it to page 17 of this and have seen this requested a few times.

I am running the latest gen scar with a Npas nozzle and all co2 mags.

One big worry seems to be the hinge plate. I have had about 30 mags through mine so far and some dry firing. The hinge plate has some scuffing from where the return spring sits on it how ever I have had no cracking. But I think I know why.

While trying to get my bolt catch working *still not working right* I ended up cutting the spring to try and slow down the bolt return. This how every made the gun not cycle right. Sooo I cut a few coils off another spring and added them back onto the guide rod. Infact it has strengthened the return spring and I believe this is what is keeping my plate alive. The fact that the return spring actually sits against the plate compressed just slightly, not allowing it to have a jack hammer effect.

Now other than the bolt catch not working 100% I have had no other issues with the co2 mags. They do leak out of the knocker valve once in a while but a silicone oil bath does solve that.

Draw back to them is you get about a mag and a half out of the powerlett. so either your stuck loading 15-20 rounds for the second go or your throwing away still charge powerletts. On field I load them and fire until dry, off field before game I just throw fresh ones in.

As for oiling the mags the best way I have found is to put a few drops in the expansion chambers *the ports just below the valve* putting oil on the top of the powerlett and screwing it in is not sufficient and causing the mag to leak eventually.

the FPS with my stock valve on co2 was roughly 560fps. I brought that down with the Npas to about 410 *our field limit is 430*. This seems to be a sweet spot for the hop up. Anything slower I was getting horriable dive. Faster I was getting no hop effect and very random shots.

As for cool down on the co2 mags I can get roughly a full mag out in a string how ever I never actually do that on the field... its fine for 3-5 round bursts and bouts of cover fire. I have used them in 17c with absolutely no issues reported. Also as hot as 35c. Mag was to hot to even touch and the fps did jump a bit on the first shot but the rest was nice and steady.

Any other q's about the co2 set up let me know. I have an idea on how to get the bolt catch to work, Just need to get around to it.

Edit: just a tip with the co2 mags they do like to lose the clear oring that the powerlett bumps up against. if this happens go to a paintball store. They usually have tons of orings in stock and should be able to get you up and running again. Also DO NOT SWING THE MAG to get the powerlett out. That is a good way to have the oring go flying with it.

Last edited by Dart; September 23rd, 2010 at 20:38..
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