October 16th, 2010, 12:59
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Missisauga, Ontario
Originally Posted by etd
Okay I'm going to step outside the circle of cybergun hate and give you an honest opinion with their current line of guns.
First off, everything these people have said above is true two years ago.
Facts: cybergun has severly increased their quality control as well and has moved to almost all tm compatible parts. Before I get flames in regards to the tm compatible parts comment.... In the past I found that most of their guns (I've owned 4 by the way so this is speaking from experience and its not just Internet opinion) copied tm designs but didn't really match up specs wise for after market upgrades.
Since about 1-2 years ago cyma has become a reputable low/mid-grade company as opposed to utter. Anyone who [b]actually owns any of their news stuff, example: sig 556, ak series (this year's only) or mp5s (within last season) will vouch that's they are fair priced guns with good quality (based on pricing).
They aren't on the same level as say classic army, real sword or g&g for example but they are no longer equal to companies likes BE.
If anyone has a difference of opinion, including the poster, please read new reviews on their new line up of guns or even ask a asc retailer who sells their stuff. To summarize cybergun has really stepped up their game and their guns are worth buying if you are on a budget but remember that you get what you pay for so expect to be replacing your air seal parts at the very least.
Thanks for the very informative info everyone.