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Old November 3rd, 2010, 12:10   #639
GBB Whisperer
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Toronto
At one point, I'd rounded up every single high flow valve available on the market that I could get my hands on, and like my spring comparison chart, I ran them through a battery of tests to figure out how some compared against each other (to answer common questions), and of course, to find out the 'best' high flow valve of the bunch.

The verdict: KM high flow valves took top choice.
I did this exact same type of test years earlier with the KSC Glock series, and the KM valves were also the cream of the crop.

One of the most commonly asked questions at the time was the same one you are asking now, so to answer your questions about the Guarder set of valves: Between the two models, the High Output valves gave the highest initial velocity outputs, but had the greatest extreme spread and highest deviation.

The High Performance valves featured a more stable velocity. While the highest velocity was not as high as the "High Output", and the average velocity was slightly lower as well, these had a more stable output. However, they DID provide a velocity increase over stock TM valves, although I found they were not as stable.

For what it's worth, the "High Performance" valves are still considered to be high flow valves as they do increase velocity, but Guarder had created a differentiation between the two models due to slightly different performance characteristics. Choosing them came down to what performance characteristics you were after. Also note, that these valves require attention to be paid to how they are installed. The output port must face UP, and directly out of the gas routing rubber.
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