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Old November 9th, 2010, 05:05   #689
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Durban, South Africa / Edmonton, Canada

Thanks everyone for the advice and tips!



I didnt realise it would become THIS addictive, nor that there would be soo many diverse options available. Kinda feel like a kid locked in a Toy Store.

Thank you very much for the advice. Think I'm going to get the Guarder Upgrade Springs for now along with the SD POM nozzle. I've noticed alot of ppl like that one over the AS one.

Cant wait to put everything together!


You know when I first started lurking here, I would not have understood a word you said, but after taking your advice in an earlier thread and reading just about every related post I could get my hands on, I actually learnt something and now understand what you and everyones saying about parts and tools etc.

I'd actually like to thank you for inspiring me to get started with it, else I'd just have thought it impossible for an ordinary guy to do.

I'm going to go with the Guarder internal bits and grab my shiny silver controls at a later stage now that I know the differences are purely cosmetic.
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