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Old November 14th, 2010, 16:11   #5
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Location: Victoria, BC
Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
When you say it needs to be plated, do you mean it should be able to take ballistic plate inserts? Because the vest you linked can't do that. Tactical Tailor MAV's and Mini MAV's are adjustable down to 5 year old sizes, but they also can't take a plate.

This is a good compromise, it will adjust down to a very small size and can hold a plate.
Plate inserts would be preferred, but I can also handle them not being plated (Don't need plating if its got enough pouches and shit on it that it won't hit you anyway :P). I know the vest I linked doesn't have the plating (it says so just under the link in my post).

The vest you linked seemed too basic for what I'd like, although if the retailer's MAVs fit like you say they do, I appreciate the link anyway, and I'll definitely take a look.

Has anyone seen any small-fitted pants or shirts? Currently that's my priority over vests.
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